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Buying an out of state used car

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Buying an out of state used car Empty Buying an out of state used car

Post by rvanparys Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:15 am

What are the requirements for registering a used car in Jalisco?
Where can one find the official statements on this?
Thanks in advance!

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Buying an out of state used car Empty Re: Buying an out of state used car

Post by CanuckBob Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:25 am

You should talk with Spencer. He advised me to never buy an "out of state" car if avoidable. I can't remember why but it may be worth finding out.

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Buying an out of state used car Empty Re: Buying an out of state used car

Post by ferret Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:56 am

I agree. Talk with Spencer McMullen.
Jalisco is a law unto itself.
I can tell you that taking a Guanajuato plated car and changing to Nayarit plates was an easy do it yourself process when all your paperwork is in place. We decided that doing the same for our Nayarit plated car in Jalisco was not worth the aggravation, effort and inconvenience... so we traded it in and let SS Auto deal with it. YMMV
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Buying an out of state used car Empty Re: Buying an out of state used car

Post by gatosigi Mon Apr 09, 2018 9:08 am

I moved to Ajijic with a car bought new in Morelia, Mich. I took all the usual paperwork like proof of address, invoice from dealership etc. to register in Jalisco. They were very efficient and I had no problems. But you have to get to one of the vehicle registration locations long before dawn and join a long lineup. One location at the time was in Tesistan, West of Guadalajara and another was somewhere in the urban sprawl. Take a screwdriver with you to put on the new plate. Sorry to be vague but it was a long time ago.

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Buying an out of state used car Empty Re: Buying an out of state used car

Post by RVGRINGO Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:33 pm

If you do that, and the car fails Jalisco emissions testing, you may have a bad experience.......
There are a lot of cars for sale in your state. I suggest caution.

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Buying an out of state used car Empty Re: Buying an out of state used car

Post by kiko Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:31 pm

Ferret is right, the laws in Jalisco are not vehicle friendly.  If you do not mind standing in line for hours (or days) and then have some official screw up the paperwork only to have to return another day and repeat the process and pay again, then Jalisco is your state.  I transferred a vehicle and the official in Tesistan misspelled the model of my vehicle with only one letter.  What a nightmare that was for months whenever I had to show my documentation to a police officer.  Same problem when I took the vehicle to Texas as those redneck cops were looking for any excuse to punt me back to Mexico.

It was simpler to sell the vehicle than to correct and pay for their mistake.
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Buying an out of state used car Empty Re: Buying an out of state used car

Post by ltollefs Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:00 am

Ah, the victim card gets played.
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