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Is someone willing to transport our home goods from Laredo to Lake Chapala area in your truck/trailer?

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Is someone willing to transport our home goods from Laredo to Lake Chapala area in your truck/trailer? Empty Is someone willing to transport our home goods from Laredo to Lake Chapala area in your truck/trailer?

Post by Bethany Lee Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:49 am

My husband and I are moving to San Juan Cosala in August. We had an international mover come to our house to price moving the few household items we'd like to bring with us and thought the price was outrageous. So, we thought we might rent a small Uhaul (10' X 6' X 6') and drive our stuff to Laredo, store it in a storage unit and then make a couple of trips with our cars from San Juan to Laredo to get the stuff out of storage. But, we wanted to see if there is someone who is willing and able to meet us in Laredo with a truck or trailer that could take our stuff to San Juan so we could avoid multiple trips back and forth to the States. We really do not have that much to move (we sold all of our furniture) but we have two large dogs and so our space in our cars is limited.

Bethany Lee

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Is someone willing to transport our home goods from Laredo to Lake Chapala area in your truck/trailer? Empty Re: Is someone willing to transport our home goods from Laredo to Lake Chapala area in your truck/trailer?

Post by solajijic Tue Jun 26, 2018 10:19 am

There is a myriad people who do this and you should wait until  you are here to meet them and choose someone.  Try looking at to ship your items from your house to their warehouse in Laredo.  They drop off the storage pod at your house, you fill it, they transport it to Laredo, store it for however long and then you can make your plans.

Also just a hint - before you come open and attach a savings account to your checking account and ask for debit cards in both your names. Thus with a checking account and savings account you will have 4 cars in two names. ATM machines here seem to be keeping cards again.

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Is someone willing to transport our home goods from Laredo to Lake Chapala area in your truck/trailer? Empty Re: Is someone willing to transport our home goods from Laredo to Lake Chapala area in your truck/trailer?

Post by Bethany Lee Tue Jun 26, 2018 2:37 pm

Thanks for the reply. The won't take our goods to San Juan and we don't mind packing and hauling it to Laredo, we are just trying to figure out how to get it from Laredo to San Juan in one trip. The professional movers are really expensive even from Laredo. We were hoping to just "do it ourselves" with a little help.

Bethany Lee

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Join date : 2018-06-26

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Is someone willing to transport our home goods from Laredo to Lake Chapala area in your truck/trailer? Empty Re: Is someone willing to transport our home goods from Laredo to Lake Chapala area in your truck/trailer?

Post by Carry Bean Tue Jun 26, 2018 4:00 pm

No, she said they would ship to their warehouse in Laredo, not here.

Carry Bean
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Is someone willing to transport our home goods from Laredo to Lake Chapala area in your truck/trailer? Empty Re: Is someone willing to transport our home goods from Laredo to Lake Chapala area in your truck/trailer?

Post by CanuckBob Tue Jun 26, 2018 5:22 pm

Perhaps Alex Petersen. I have two email addresses for him.

Apet.rapidpack (at)
Rapidpackman (at)

Try them both.

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Is someone willing to transport our home goods from Laredo to Lake Chapala area in your truck/trailer? Empty Re: Is someone willing to transport our home goods from Laredo to Lake Chapala area in your truck/trailer?

Post by rvanparys Wed Jun 27, 2018 8:08 am

You might try Strom White movers here in Ajijic to move your goods from Laredo to here... The US move portion is the most expensive part of moving here... Here is their contact info: (376) 766 4049 * USA tel: 210 745 2479 *

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Is someone willing to transport our home goods from Laredo to Lake Chapala area in your truck/trailer? Empty Re: Is someone willing to transport our home goods from Laredo to Lake Chapala area in your truck/trailer?

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