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#352_2018-10-14_Kathleen Durham, Eleanor Roosevelt, One Shrewd Lady, Ajijic Open Circle

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#352_2018-10-14_Kathleen Durham, Eleanor Roosevelt, One Shrewd Lady, Ajijic Open Circle  Empty #352_2018-10-14_Kathleen Durham, Eleanor Roosevelt, One Shrewd Lady, Ajijic Open Circle

Post by Chapala Drone Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:55 am

Good day everyone,

Here is the video of last Sundays Open Circle performance.

I hope you all enjoy it.

For my channel        HERE
To subscribe           HERE  
For all of my videos  HERE

For old Open Circle episodes videoed by Roy (adding one a day until they are all up)

For new Open Circle episodes starting July 29th 2018 (and newer)(adding one a week)

Chapala Drone
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Posts : 90
Join date : 2016-05-20

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