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free Windstar .... everything works 1998

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free Windstar .... everything works 1998 Empty free Windstar .... everything works 1998

Post by gravy Thu Oct 25, 2018 6:14 pm

I just bought a new (to me) Ford Windstar and need to get rid of my old one
AC is cold ... has only 112.000 miles .. new battery ,water pump,alternator ,radiator condenser ..............
breaks and shocks are only 15 k miles .... tires have lots of tread but 10 years old .......the body has lots of Mexican dents and roof is surface rusted .......
ALL my paper work was stolen by a person who said they could legalize her along with 17,000 pesos
I had planned to keep her but now I'm screwed ... options are nil but thinking of the following :
A) give it to someone heading to the border ( would need good tires as the existing ones are 10 years old )
B) junking her ( tears here ) impossible because it's US plated
C) taking it to the impound and leaving it ( they may not take it)
D) burning it and reporting it stolen ( tears again) and I might get into trouble

problem is getting her out of my name ....someone said to donate it to Red Cross papers
I wish I could give her to a farm as something to haul workers or gear but if there was an accident my name would show up


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free Windstar .... everything works 1998 Empty Re: free Windstar .... everything works 1998

Post by hockables Fri Oct 26, 2018 4:40 am

Enter it in a Demolition Derby
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free Windstar .... everything works 1998 Empty Re: free Windstar .... everything works 1998

Post by RVGRINGO Fri Oct 26, 2018 9:34 am

You have your passport and the VIN. With that, you should consult with Spencer at Chapala Law. I suspect that you/he will need to report the theft of the vehicle's papers, and then apply for a retorno seguro to remove it from Mexico, as well as making application in the USA for replacement of the 'lost' title.
A lot of work, but it would clear you of responsibility.

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free Windstar .... everything works 1998 Empty Re: free Windstar .... everything works 1998

Post by Flamingo Fri Oct 26, 2018 1:52 pm

I PMed you
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free Windstar .... everything works 1998 Empty Re: free Windstar .... everything works 1998

Post by RVGRINGO Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:19 pm

Your PM has not arrived.

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free Windstar .... everything works 1998 Empty Re: free Windstar .... everything works 1998

Post by gravy Fri Oct 26, 2018 4:59 pm

think I might give it to a gardner I know .... he wants to live in it ... take the battery out of it
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free Windstar .... everything works 1998 Empty Re: free Windstar .... everything works 1998

Post by RVGRINGO Fri Oct 26, 2018 5:08 pm

What if someone else makes him an offer that he cannot refu$e?

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free Windstar .... everything works 1998 Empty Re: free Windstar .... everything works 1998

Post by RickS Fri Oct 26, 2018 5:16 pm

gravy wrote:think I might give it to a gardener I know .... he wants to live in it ... take the battery out of it

Consider this:  You give it to your gardener (which, BTW, would be illegal!). Gardner says he is going to live in it but actually later on drives it around some and hits someone, putting them in the hospital.  

Guess who's name is on the records as the owner of that vehicle. Guess who is now in really big trouble.

The vehicle is only worth about $800 or so at the border IF it had some valid paperwork which it doesn't... and if it could actually get there on $400 worth of new tires. I second the suggestion to call Spencer and see if he has any ideas. Otherwise find the most desolate place you can, strip it of as much ID that can tie it to you, immobilize it to the hilt and..... pray.

I feel for you!
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free Windstar .... everything works 1998 Empty Re: free Windstar .... everything works 1998

Post by CanuckBob Fri Oct 26, 2018 8:19 pm

If you do give it to the gardener at least destroy the paperwork and pry off/destroy any visible serial number plates. Look in the door jams and under the hood.

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free Windstar .... everything works 1998 Empty SENT YOU A P M

Post by schraderone Sat Oct 27, 2018 8:10 pm

gravy wrote:I just bought a new (to me) Ford Windstar and need to get rid of my old one
AC is cold ... has only 112.000 miles .. new battery ,water pump,alternator ,radiator condenser ..............
breaks and shocks are only 15 k miles .... tires have lots of tread but 10 years old .......the body has lots of Mexican dents and roof is surface rusted .......
ALL my paper work was stolen by a person who said they could legalize her along with 17,000 pesos
I had planned to keep her but now I'm screwed  ... options are nil but thinking of the following :
A) give it to someone heading to the border ( would need good tires as the existing ones are 10 years old )
B) junking her ( tears here ) impossible because it's US plated
C) taking it to the impound and leaving it ( they may not take it)
D) burning it and reporting it stolen ( tears again) and I might get into trouble

problem is getting her out of my name ....someone said to donate it to Red Cross papers
I wish I could give her to a farm as something to haul workers or gear but if there was an accident my name would show up


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free Windstar .... everything works 1998 Empty Re: free Windstar .... everything works 1998

Post by Problem Child Sat Oct 27, 2018 10:04 pm

See my two PMs

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free Windstar .... everything works 1998 Empty Re: free Windstar .... everything works 1998

Post by Albert Mora Tue Oct 30, 2018 10:24 am

Give it to me, I'll take it to my ranch and use it for cattle feeding purposes . leaving in a week.

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free Windstar .... everything works 1998 Empty Re: free Windstar .... everything works 1998

Post by Problem Child Tue Oct 30, 2018 10:30 am

I think the concern with the o/p is the ultimate liability that could come back in the event of an accident. And that's a legitimate concern.

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free Windstar .... everything works 1998 Empty Re: free Windstar .... everything works 1998

Post by espíritu del lago Wed Oct 31, 2018 4:15 pm

Albert Mora wrote:Give it to me, I'll take it to my ranch and use it for cattle feeding purposes . leaving in a week.
espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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free Windstar .... everything works 1998 Empty Re: free Windstar .... everything works 1998

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