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Neurologist at Lakeside

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Neurologist at Lakeside Empty Neurologist at Lakeside

Post by Abrria Wed Oct 31, 2018 6:41 pm

Has anyone had any experience with Dr. Gabriel Varela who runs the Stroke Care center in Riberas?

Feel free to PM me.

Muchas gracias.

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Neurologist at Lakeside Empty Re: Neurologist at Lakeside

Post by Captain Joseph L. Naselli Fri Nov 02, 2018 7:53 am

I just have to put in a word about Dr. Gabriel Varela, he is the doctor that I called one morning after I was told by another Doctor that my wife would never be able to walk, talk, or have control of her bodily functions and had to be placed in a nursing home for the rest of her life because of a massive stroke.

It was quite by accident that I even found his phone number, and within one hour he was at my house, carried my wife into his car and then drove her the hospital (Puerta deHierro Sur) in the city where he performed w/ two other doctors a six and a half operation and opened up part of her skull to relieve pressure on the brain due to a leaking blood vessel.

Yes I would consider this as being a predigest letter, but today she is back to being my loving wife and friend. His price was more than fair, and care was in the many house visits he made to make sure all was well after the operation.

You do not find Doctors who practice medicine like this very often.
He can be reached at the STROKE CALL CENTER, 24hours day/night, 7 days a weeks, 333 128- 6347, (376) 765- 6666. He also has an office next to Maskaras Clinic, # 79, Riberas del Pilar, were Mom's restaurant used to be years ago. Email:

Captain Joseph L. Naselli

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Neurologist at Lakeside Empty Re: Neurologist at Lakeside

Post by Trailrunner Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:44 am

What a wonderful story and endorsement, very happy for you and your wife. Congratulations and best wishes.

So, the doctor(s) that actually saw her before that and diagnosed stroke/bleed were not willing to go in and stop the bleed like Dr. Varela did?
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Neurologist at Lakeside Empty Re: Neurologist at Lakeside

Post by Captain Joseph L. Naselli Fri Nov 02, 2018 11:16 am

According to Dr Varela, the original Doctor that came to the house and diagnosed Suzanne thought it was a stroke. He sarcastically said that "she (that Doctor) is just a general practitioner". At which time he asked me to ask her to leave. Besides she would not have had the skill to perform that type of operation.
The thing is Suzanne did not have a stroke; rather a blood vessel had broken in the brain cavity causing her to sustain all sorts of changes in her taste, smell, speech, skin sensations, and eyesight. We originally brought her to Dr. Garcia, but he thought it was anemia due to lack of iron deficiency.

About two months before she had fallen and never thought that the hit on her head was serious enough to even complain about. We think it was that blow to the head that started this procedure.
Dr. Verella when he did the MRI saw that the pictures showed the blood mass inside her brain, and explained that if it were a stroke, she indeed would have been immobile for life.

Captain Joseph L. Naselli

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Age : 74
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