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From Tourist to Expat

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From Tourist to Expat Empty From Tourist to Expat

Post by CanuckBob Sat Dec 22, 2018 7:39 am

This article is bang on in my experience. A fun read.

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From Tourist to Expat Empty Re: From Tourist to Expat

Post by ferret Sat Dec 22, 2018 7:49 am

It certainly is a good read. I very much enjoyed it. Thanks!
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From Tourist to Expat Empty Re: From Tourist to Expat

Post by Carry Bean Sat Dec 22, 2018 12:27 pm

Yes, he nailed it. There was 50 years between when I was a tourist and when I moved here but he really got it correct about not changing Mexico. That pretty much goes for wherever the culture is different. Adaptability is the best trait to have when moving, especially here. And it’s often the last thing people consider.

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From Tourist to Expat Empty Re: From Tourist to Expat

Post by gringal Sat Dec 22, 2018 2:21 pm

A very good read, although my very tiny bit of tourism consisted of family bringing visitors for a day trip to Tijuana. Rolling Eyes

My husband loved to engage in the west coast water sports, and went often.  He wanted to move here, possibly to Mazatlan, but when we researched the climate, it was eliminated.  I agreed to try it for a year and then re-visit the decision.  That was 14 years ago.Very Happy

We moved to SMA for the art scene (disappointing) and then, to here, and like others, I agree that we can't change Mexico and shouldn't waste time trying.  Slowly, we adapt and change if we can.  If people can't, the right decision would be to go "home".

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From Tourist to Expat Empty Re: From Tourist to Expat

Post by Carry Bean Sat Dec 22, 2018 2:47 pm

Yes, the right decision would be to go back (and no shame to that) but some seem to want to grit their teeth and won’t admit to a mistake so they stay and are miserable and make everyone around them unhappy.  Others burned their bridges and can’t afford to go back and there are always those who are professional kvetchers and are sour no matter where they are.  From Tourist to Expat 87465

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From Tourist to Expat Empty Re: From Tourist to Expat

Post by gringal Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:31 pm

Absolutely true, Carry. There are people who can't change course even if they're headed for a cliff. There are chronic kvetchers that NOTHING will satisfy. Saddest are those who burned their bridges so thoroughly that they can't afford to go home, and there are those for whom the cost of living has risen so much in their home area that they would be greatly reduced in lifestyle if they returned. Property in some areas has more than doubled in the last few years.
I say "count your blessings" for things like this mild climate, the availability of recreation and the beauty of the area where flowers bloom all year long.
Sooner or later, those streets WILL be repaired, but since there isn't a damn thing I can do to make it happen, I find myself hearing a song from a classic musical: "my bones denounce the buckboard bounce"
Anybody feel like doing the daunting job of starting a "fix the streets ourselves" project? I'd be happy to contribute some pesos.

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From Tourist to Expat Empty Re: From Tourist to Expat

Post by CanuckBob Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:43 pm

Well hopefully the unhappy ones can use the "it's too busy and the infrastructure sucks" card as their excuse out of here.

As for the streets in Ajijic, the major ones need to be re-done in the interlocking bricks or flagstone like we are seeing in some of the Chapala streets renovations. I wouldn't lift a finger or give a nickel to re-do them in the current rocks and dirt...…..

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From Tourist to Expat Empty Re: From Tourist to Expat

Post by WillieRae Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:49 pm

Take a look at Morelos in's been redone with concrete and rocks imbedded...just lovely and it took months to do with new water lines and drains ..
I just wish they would re-route the big trucks off Degollado over to Morelos..they are just destroying this street with is still rocks and dirt!

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From Tourist to Expat Empty Re: From Tourist to Expat

Post by Carry Bean Sat Dec 22, 2018 4:17 pm

Yeah, I’m not donating any more to help out the government. At least the benches are something that will be used by residents and probably would never get fixed. I’m getting vibes the current administration is going to be more of the same old, same old but I hope I’m wrong. Not showing up for those two meetings about Tepalo didn’t exactly inspire confidence.

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From Tourist to Expat Empty Re: From Tourist to Expat

Post by lakeside7 Sat Dec 22, 2018 7:00 pm

Maybe this will help us better cope living in Mexico...but do we have the Wisdom?

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

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