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have you been able to get your car smogged ?

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have you been able to get your car smogged ? Empty have you been able to get your car smogged ?

Post by alisunsmom Tue Feb 05, 2019 3:42 pm

I have been trying since January 1st to get my car smog tested at either the Chapala or the Jocotepec emissions testing locations and have been told they still have no holograms. Has anyone been able to get this done at either of these sites ?



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have you been able to get your car smogged ? Empty Re: have you been able to get your car smogged ?

Post by Carry Bean Tue Feb 05, 2019 8:36 pm

Mine is due this month and I heard the Chapala and Joco locations have lost their ability to do it. If so, since I don’t drive in Guad I might get a driver to drive my car there and turn it into a shopping trip while the driver gets the inspection.

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have you been able to get your car smogged ? Empty Re: have you been able to get your car smogged ?

Post by Wide Sky Tue Feb 05, 2019 9:02 pm

check out this thread "Vehicle emission testing place"; last post was Jan 20; there is a link to a map with the emissions testing places. There is one in Los Cedros, north of Ixtlahuacan

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have you been able to get your car smogged ? Empty Re: have you been able to get your car smogged ?

Post by CanuckBob Wed Feb 06, 2019 7:42 am

On the other hand...…..I haven't bothered to ever get my two vehicles tested. Never had a ticket or problem yet. I've even been pulled over for other infractions and nothing was said. These emission tests are a government money grab IMO. I thought the same thing when I lived in Vancouver too. They have since abolished them there.

Vacation Rentals
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have you been able to get your car smogged ? Empty Re: have you been able to get your car smogged ?

Post by Carry Bean Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:42 am

CanuckBob wrote:On the other hand...…..I haven't bothered to ever get my two vehicles tested. Never had a ticket or problem yet. I've even been pulled over for other infractions and nothing was said. These emission tests are a government money grab IMO. I thought the same thing when I lived in Vancouver too. They have since abolished them there.

Yeah, but you weren’t taught in Catholic schools by nuns with big rulers. Very Happy

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have you been able to get your car smogged ? Empty Re: have you been able to get your car smogged ?

Post by CanuckBob Sat Feb 09, 2019 7:39 am

For those that haven't heard, the smog test program has been put on hold pending a rework of the whole system. They say it will be ready to go again in July, but not which year. Being Mexico, I highly doubt this July...….

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have you been able to get your car smogged ? Empty Re: have you been able to get your car smogged ?

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