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Kitchen Remodeling

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Kitchen Remodeling Empty Kitchen Remodeling

Post by lakeside7 Sat Mar 09, 2019 1:06 pm

Has anyone used a local or service in Guadalajara the consultant your kitchen plan and they would come up with computer generated  proposals for ready made cabinets and appliances etc  . Whilst I like the idea of having a local carpenter make new ones the time frame and cost is problematic

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Kitchen Remodeling Empty Re: Kitchen Remodeling

Post by gringal Sat Mar 09, 2019 1:57 pm

I had an ancient kitchen with stone age features and not a single wall formed a right angle to the adjacent one. We were referred to a local carpenter who checked it out, gave us wood choices and built a new set of cabinets with roll out shelves and all we could want. Unless you really already knew the room isn't square, you'd never guess. He also made our beautiful curved top, old fashioned hardwood doors throughout, replacing the hollow core pieces of junk falling apart. He's not cheap, but the work is first class. He's still around, and if you want to contact him, here's the number:
Juan Carlos
331 357 5637

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