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Dcuments needed to renew Mexican driver's license

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Dcuments needed to renew Mexican driver's license Empty Dcuments needed to renew Mexican driver's license

Post by Abrria 10/04/19, 11:03 am

I need to know the exact documents & copies for renewing driver's license.

Does anyone know where the Ocotlan office is and their hours are? I'm hoping their lines are not as bad as Guad.

Muchas gracias.

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Dcuments needed to renew Mexican driver's license Empty Re: Dcuments needed to renew Mexican driver's license

Post by ohhappyday 11/04/19, 10:39 am

I copied the title of your post, did a right click of the mouse, clicked search Google and voila! the answer was there.

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Dcuments needed to renew Mexican driver's license Empty Re: Dcuments needed to renew Mexican driver's license

Post by Canada_Mike 11/04/19, 01:31 pm

You need your Imagro card, CURP, a bill like CFE, and your driver's license. If you are older than 65 you go to the head of the line. If you show your norte DL you shouldn't have to take the test. (That likely won't be on Google.)
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Dcuments needed to renew Mexican driver's license Empty Re: Dcuments needed to renew Mexican driver's license

Post by Tomgates 14/04/19, 04:54 am

Passport and copy too

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Dcuments needed to renew Mexican driver's license Empty Re: Dcuments needed to renew Mexican driver's license

Post by Carry Bean 14/04/19, 05:36 am

You also need to bring your original CFE bill as well as a copy. I only brought a copy and supervisors were called but after much discussion they let me go ahead but I won’t make that mistake again.

Carry Bean
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Dcuments needed to renew Mexican driver's license Empty Re: Dcuments needed to renew Mexican driver's license

Post by ferret 14/04/19, 05:53 am

And if you take a Telmex bill and copy, instead of a CFE bill, they want the LONG version of every page of the bill showing all calls. I have no idea why.
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