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Is there a location Lakeside that has a selection of portable propane Bar-B-Que's?

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Is there a location Lakeside that has a selection of portable propane Bar-B-Que's? Empty Is there a location Lakeside that has a selection of portable propane Bar-B-Que's?

Post by mooney Tue Apr 16, 2019 1:57 pm

Is there a Lakeside location? If not suggestions?


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Is there a location Lakeside that has a selection of portable propane Bar-B-Que's? Empty Re: Is there a location Lakeside that has a selection of portable propane Bar-B-Que's?

Post by Canada_Mike Tue Apr 16, 2019 3:12 pm

IMHO, the best is Baja Grills in Riberas: Riberas del Pilar #168
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Is there a location Lakeside that has a selection of portable propane Bar-B-Que's? Empty Re: Is there a location Lakeside that has a selection of portable propane Bar-B-Que's?

Post by Trailrunner Tue Apr 16, 2019 3:26 pm

Mike, do they have those charcoal chimneys?? If so, do you know the price?
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Is there a location Lakeside that has a selection of portable propane Bar-B-Que's? Empty Re: Is there a location Lakeside that has a selection of portable propane Bar-B-Que's?

Post by CanuckBob Tue Apr 16, 2019 3:37 pm

Tio Sam's, Strom White or Baja Grills.

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Is there a location Lakeside that has a selection of portable propane Bar-B-Que's? Empty Re: Is there a location Lakeside that has a selection of portable propane Bar-B-Que's?

Post by Trailrunner Tue Apr 16, 2019 3:51 pm

Thanks, CB. Do you have any idea of the prices?
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Is there a location Lakeside that has a selection of portable propane Bar-B-Que's? Empty Re: Is there a location Lakeside that has a selection of portable propane Bar-B-Que's?

Post by Nicksco Tue Apr 16, 2019 4:46 pm

I have a cuisinart cgg 200 outdoor gas grill which is the finest on i have ever seen It came from Amazon nob it is quite exensive but it the greatest portable i have ever used
I have conections that i plug it in to my big tank and it can get to 300 digrees.
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Is there a location Lakeside that has a selection of portable propane Bar-B-Que's? Empty Re: Is there a location Lakeside that has a selection of portable propane Bar-B-Que's?

Post by CanuckBob Tue Apr 16, 2019 5:19 pm

The nice stainless ones are expensive. I paid about $1600 USD for my stainless weber at Tio Sam's 7 years ago. They can also be expensive up North too.

After 7 years the Weber still looks brand new.

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Is there a location Lakeside that has a selection of portable propane Bar-B-Que's? Empty Re: Is there a location Lakeside that has a selection of portable propane Bar-B-Que's?

Post by Trailrunner Tue Apr 16, 2019 5:26 pm

Thanks, CB!
Gamina brought me back one from TX recently, 15 bux and 15 bux on Amazon too, and I'm having an iron worker neighbor work up a price for me. We should be able to make them a lot more economically than that. I was appalled at the prices here.
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Is there a location Lakeside that has a selection of portable propane Bar-B-Que's? Empty Re: Is there a location Lakeside that has a selection of portable propane Bar-B-Que's?

Post by Carry Bean Tue Apr 16, 2019 6:22 pm

Very, very occasionally I’ve seen some sold on Beg, Buy, Barter on Facebook.  I assume it’s people moving back north.

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Is there a location Lakeside that has a selection of portable propane Bar-B-Que's? Empty Re: Is there a location Lakeside that has a selection of portable propane Bar-B-Que's?

Post by Canada_Mike Tue Apr 16, 2019 6:51 pm

Yes, Baja Grills sells heaters. Don't know prices. Weber, as CBob notes, lasts forever and replacement parts are obtainable. That's VERY important.
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Is there a location Lakeside that has a selection of portable propane Bar-B-Que's? Empty Re: Is there a location Lakeside that has a selection of portable propane Bar-B-Que's?

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