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fire place logs for here .... vented or not? pros/cons. And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane?

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fire place logs for here ....  vented or not?  pros/cons.  And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane? Empty fire place logs for here .... vented or not? pros/cons. And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane?

Post by Sherman Thu Apr 18, 2019 9:44 am

Locally, only vent-less fireplaces are available. I'm still concerned about having a ventless fireplace over a vented. Can anyone contribute to this 'discussion' ... pros and cons.

Also, can we use logs/burner, etc. if it says 'natural gas' and does not specifically say 'LPG' (liquid propane)?

thanks for your help .....


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fire place logs for here ....  vented or not?  pros/cons.  And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane? Empty Re: fire place logs for here .... vented or not? pros/cons. And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane?

Post by ferret Thu Apr 18, 2019 10:16 am

No you cannot use natural gas logs with propane unless they have been converted to use that fuel.

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fire place logs for here ....  vented or not?  pros/cons.  And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane? Empty Re: fire place logs for here .... vented or not? pros/cons. And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane?

Post by Sherman Thu Apr 18, 2019 10:24 am

ferret wrote:No you cannot use natural gas logs with propane unless they have been converted to use that fuel.

is that conversion easy ... a new clothes dryer is purchased and I'm told that it will have to be converted from natural gas to LPG, but that's included in the cost of the dryer and I don't have to initiate the conversation.

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fire place logs for here ....  vented or not?  pros/cons.  And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane? Empty Re: fire place logs for here .... vented or not? pros/cons. And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane?

Post by ferret Thu Apr 18, 2019 10:30 am

It depends on the fireplace. Google is your friend.
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fire place logs for here ....  vented or not?  pros/cons.  And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane? Empty Re: fire place logs for here .... vented or not? pros/cons. And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane?

Post by rvanparys Thu Apr 18, 2019 10:37 am

There is a big difference between using natural gas and propane... Since we are SOL for natural gas here at Lakeside, propane is your only alternative...

Non vented gas logs use more fuel according to Google... Vented logs not so much... We had a false fireplace built for our non vented gas log and it works well...

If you have a real fireplace you do have the vented option BUT again, only with propane...

Mi Dos centavos...

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fire place logs for here ....  vented or not?  pros/cons.  And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane? Empty Re: fire place logs for here .... vented or not? pros/cons. And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane?

Post by sm1mex Thu Apr 18, 2019 10:43 am

We have non vented logs and have used them for years with no problem on propane. Our fireplace chimney is sealed off just above the fireplace opening and all of the heat comes into the house. If you have non vented logs with an open chimney, the heat will mostly go up the chimney and not into the house. Our logs will raise the temp about 7-8 degrees in 15 minutes. They are very efficient. They have a high or low setting. We always use the low and it provides plenty of heat.

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fire place logs for here ....  vented or not?  pros/cons.  And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane? Empty Re: fire place logs for here .... vented or not? pros/cons. And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane?

Post by ferret Thu Apr 18, 2019 10:58 am

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fire place logs for here ....  vented or not?  pros/cons.  And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane? Empty Re: fire place logs for here .... vented or not? pros/cons. And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane?

Post by sm1mex Thu Apr 18, 2019 11:21 am

Good article above. We have the ventless logs and very happy with them. Once we light the pilot light, we have a switch you can turn the fire on and off without getting down and turning the manual knobs.
Strom White napoleon bar b-q store has the logs. They are pricey down here because the the import duty and 16% IVA tax but we have found them worth it when the house gets down in the low 60's !

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fire place logs for here ....  vented or not?  pros/cons.  And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane? Empty Re: fire place logs for here .... vented or not? pros/cons. And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane?

Post by Halfglass Sun Apr 21, 2019 9:56 am

Like so many here we have a fireplace for supplemental heat in the winter months. Unfortunately not all of the fireplaces here seem to be built right and they don't draw correctly so you get smoke in the house.
I looked at the different styles of gas logs from many different suppliers. I finally decided to purchase a dual fuel free standing gas stove. After measuring my fireplace opening and depth I figured I could shorten the legs and make it work.  I purchased it off of Amazon and had Alex P. bring it down.
Let me tell you it works great, looks good and puts out tons of heat.
No more smoke and good heat output.  Good Bang for the buck.
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fire place logs for here ....  vented or not?  pros/cons.  And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane? Empty Re: fire place logs for here .... vented or not? pros/cons. And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane?

Post by kipissippi Sun Apr 21, 2019 1:39 pm

We had a vent free fireplace for years...heated well, but we have a whole lot of windows and condensation was a real problem.
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fire place logs for here ....  vented or not?  pros/cons.  And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane? Empty Re: fire place logs for here .... vented or not? pros/cons. And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane?

Post by Tomgates Mon Apr 22, 2019 11:08 am

We got vent-less sets from Techno Aqua. They are Firemagic brand from the US.

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fire place logs for here ....  vented or not?  pros/cons.  And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane? Empty Re: fire place logs for here .... vented or not? pros/cons. And, can we use 'nature gas' logs, etc. with our liquid propane?

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