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Buying the local mountain areas

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Buying the local mountain areas Empty Buying the local mountain areas

Post by gvprod Sun Jun 09, 2019 1:58 pm

There is an idea among my local friends, that to avoid the selling of the hillside in Ajijic, we the people of Ajijic buy the land from the current "owners" to avoid them selling to commercial buyers.

The land would be owned buy the town, with no provisions to allow a sale.

Any thoughts?

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Location : Ajijic Jalisco Mexico
Humor : live today like no one else, so tomorrow you can live like no one else

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Buying the local mountain areas Empty Re: Buying the local mountain areas

Post by CanuckBob Sun Jun 09, 2019 2:16 pm

I think there are way better ways to spend what little tax money this government has. There are a few gringos around here that have more money than god. Get one of them to buy it. If I had that kind of money I would pay to have my whole street done in pavers or flagstone. Now that's something I would chip in for.

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Buying the local mountain areas Empty Re: Buying the local mountain areas

Post by CHILLIN Sun Jun 09, 2019 2:43 pm

That has the possibility of corruption written all over it. The hillside/hilltop mansions/compounds are not being built by rich gringos but rather by fabulously wealthy and powerful Mexicans.
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Buying the local mountain areas Empty Re: Buying the local mountain areas

Post by brigitte Sun Jun 09, 2019 4:21 pm

It is a good idea but I doubt it will come to pass. It would have to be set upas communal land  next you need people to manage it and so on.. Communal land usually is taken care of by comuneros which means the comuneros are the ones that go and cut the trees or extinguish the fire or  defend the land against the invadors otherwise.. Ajijic being part of Chapala it will be Chapala land and you know what th epoliticians will do wit that..By the way part of the people of Ajijic are the indienous community which iwas or s selling the land to begin with.. I know there are other owners , but t would get really complicated.. or it would have to be set up as a reserve and people would have to be watching for invadors.. and so on..

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Buying the local mountain areas Empty Re: Buying the local mountain areas

Post by gringal Sun Jun 09, 2019 5:27 pm

The reason it's not a good idea is that it would be an administrative nightmare.
Some of the things Brigitte referred to are part of the reason.

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