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U.S. Consulate Changes Re: Passport and notary services

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U.S. Consulate Changes Re: Passport and notary services Empty U.S. Consulate Changes Re: Passport and notary services

Post by sm1mex Wed Jul 31, 2019 1:28 pm

An article in the Conecciones magazine said the U.S. Consulate is making their services easier for lakeside residents.  They still do not accept personal checks or cash or credit cards, but a move has been made to ease the process of getting cashier checks.  Peso denomination cashier checks at the rate set monthly by the American Embassy in Mex City will now accept cashier checks from Banamex, Bancomer, HSBC, Banorte, Santander and ScotiaBank

It also says (which I don't quite get) U.S. dollar cashier checks based on the listed dollar fees can be purchased at Bancomer, Banamex, Santander, Intercam, Order Express, USPS or any U.S. bank within 90 days of presentation  You can check the current peso rate at Lake Chapala Society front desk, American Legion or web board under the customs and Immigration section.  The information is generally posted the Friday before their second Wednesday visit each month to the lake.

The Conecciones magazine is available at many business locations at lakeside. The article is on page 5 of  agosto edition.

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