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Anyone else having water pressure problems?

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Anyone else having water pressure problems? Empty Anyone else having water pressure problems?

Post by suegarn Mon Aug 12, 2019 8:49 am

I live on Zaragoza, and last evening at dinnertime, the water ran out for about an hour, then came back. This morning, the same problem! I'm hoping it will be back on soon.

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Anyone else having water pressure problems? Empty Re: Anyone else having water pressure problems?

Post by RVGRINGO Mon Aug 12, 2019 9:17 am

Do you have just street water?
I suspect that you have a tinaco, and that it may have been empty until the street water came back on.
You may also have an aljibe and a pump, which would also be affected by running out of water, or even a power outage, until it could refill.

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Anyone else having water pressure problems? Empty Re: Anyone else having water pressure problems?

Post by Lady Otter Latté Mon Aug 12, 2019 9:24 am

On Friday a pump went out, affecting several colonias. They said it would take two or three days to replace. The water came on yesterday in Las Redes with very low pressure.
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Anyone else having water pressure problems? Empty Re: Anyone else having water pressure problems?

Post by ferret Mon Aug 12, 2019 9:26 am

I sincerely hope that you don't have just street water because it is NEVER on all the time.
If you do have a tinaco and/or an aljbe, then you are going to have to figure out what's wrong on your own.
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Anyone else having water pressure problems? Empty Re: Anyone else having water pressure problems?

Post by RVGRINGO Mon Aug 12, 2019 9:47 am

Suegarn probably does have the usual system, but just kept on using water until it was gone. That happens occasionally. Then, you just wait, or go buy some elsewhere, or order a 'pipa'.

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Anyone else having water pressure problems? Empty Re: Anyone else having water pressure problems?

Post by suegarn Mon Aug 12, 2019 9:48 am

These apartments do have an aljibe, but the pressure came back on last evening after being off for about an hour, then this morning we have no pressure again. So I don't think that it's our aljibe that's the problem. If it was empty, it wouldn't have come back on last evening. I really hope it comes back up soon!

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Anyone else having water pressure problems? Empty Re: Anyone else having water pressure problems?

Post by ferret Mon Aug 12, 2019 10:15 am

How many apartments are sharing this aljibe?
There is no way, no how that I would ever have a shared system. Although the original problem may have been the inability of the city water to keep the aljibe filled, you have no idea if one of the apartments has a constantly running toilet.
It sounds like your aljibe pump is a submersible SMART pump that shuts off when there is no water. You could open the aljibe lid and shine a flashlight in it to see if there's any water. OR it's not a smart pump and burned out when there was no water. Lots of variables in play here.
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Anyone else having water pressure problems? Empty Re: Anyone else having water pressure problems?

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