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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

espíritu del lago
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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs Empty Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

Post by espíritu del lago Fri Aug 16, 2019 9:46 am

Calvillo proposed lifting the IEPS excise tax on sugary drinks from 1 peso per liter to 2, explaining that an additional 13.4 billion pesos could be collected annually.

Junk food taxes should increase from 8% to 12%, he said, while those on beer should go up to 35% from 26%.

Calvillo proposed increasing taxes on other alcoholic beverages to between 45% and 60% from the current range of 30% to 53%.

"Erick Ochoa of México SaludHable said that taxes on cigarettes need to be adjusted for inflation.

“Currently a tax of 0.35 centavos per cigarette is charged. So, for each packet of 20 cigarettes, tax of 7 pesos is paid. With an adjustment for inflation this would increase to around 0.48 centavos per cigarette, which would be [tax of] almost 10 pesos per packet,” he said."

As an expat are you in favor of this?
espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs Empty Re: Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

Post by SunshineyDay Fri Aug 16, 2019 7:44 pm

Sin tax :)

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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs Empty Re: Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

Post by CanuckBob Fri Aug 16, 2019 10:36 pm

Yep, getting on board with most other countries.

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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs Empty Re: Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

Post by ferret Fri Aug 16, 2019 11:08 pm

Yup. If you're going to be a burden to the health care system by making bad choices then you should pay up front in instalments aka sin tax.
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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs Empty Re: Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

Post by CanuckBob Sat Aug 17, 2019 7:16 am

I've given the CDN government lots of sin tax...... Beer

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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs Empty Re: Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

Post by addtocart Sat Aug 17, 2019 9:03 am

Yes, the gub'mint will take the extra tax money and spend it on health care related stuff. BWAHAHAHAHA!
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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs Empty Re: Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

Post by MexicoPete Sat Aug 17, 2019 11:02 am

I know that in Seattle, we have a sugar tax. And that as a result of this that diet coke costs slightly less than normal sugary coke.
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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs Empty Re: Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

Post by slainte39 Sat Aug 17, 2019 3:34 pm

addtocart wrote:Yes, the gub'mint will take the extra tax money and spend it on health care related stuff.  BWAHAHAHAHA!

Is there anything in this world that you have a POSITIVE outlook on ?   lol!

At least you are consistent.

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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs Empty Re: Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

Post by helohfe Sat Aug 17, 2019 4:32 pm

No sane person can believe that a penny tax increase will have any effect on the consumption of these drinks..What a crock...the government is here to help you again...PLEASE!!!

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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs Empty Re: Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

Post by ltollefs Sat Aug 17, 2019 4:50 pm

helohfe wrote:No sane person can believe that a penny tax increase will have any effect on the consumption of these drinks..What a crock...the government is here to help you again...PLEASE!!!

Quite right! All the sane people believe a Peso increase might have an effect.
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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs Empty Re: Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

Post by espíritu del lago Sat Aug 17, 2019 6:19 pm

I'm sure it will adversely effect the poor ans working Mexicans.
espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs Empty Re: Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

Post by CanuckBob Sat Aug 17, 2019 9:37 pm

Well I guess they may quit smoking, quit boozing and quit drinking

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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs Empty Re: Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

Post by espíritu del lago Sat Aug 17, 2019 11:13 pm

And hopefully not stealing...
espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs Empty Re: Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

Post by ltollefs Sun Aug 18, 2019 8:40 am

espíritu del lago wrote:And hopefully not stealing...

...and hopefully not letting their racism show.
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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs Empty Re: Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

Post by espíritu del lago Sun Aug 18, 2019 10:14 am

espíritu del lago wrote:And hopefully not stealing...

I'm positive not on of you have ever been impacted by theft while living in Mexico. Shocked

If beer and liquor increases then alcoholics/ and people with multiple addictions will have a harder time paying for it.

This is a fact see it in all developed countries.

Nothing racist about it at all. Just stated a fact.

Don't you think a single mother would not steal a gansito or a soda pop for her children if she could do it and not get caught to give her child or children a treat?
espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs Empty Re: Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

Post by Plan B Sun Aug 18, 2019 11:58 am

CanuckBob wrote:I've given the CDN government lots of sin tax...... Beer

Whether you wanted to or not... Beer
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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs Empty Re: Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

Post by slainte39 Sun Aug 18, 2019 12:36 pm

espíritu del lago wrote:And hopefully not stealing...

Another "sick" puppy…...SAD!

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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs Empty Re: Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

Post by brigitte Mon Aug 19, 2019 9:44 am

Coca cola is not a treat , it is a what people drink, They should slap taxes on all soft sugary drinks..

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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs Empty Re: Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

Post by brigitte Mon Aug 19, 2019 9:46 am

Coca cola is not a treat , it is a what people drink, They should slap taxes on all soft sugary drinks..ho as an enormous problem here and especially with the poor who are the ones who consume the most and suffer from it the most..You cannot go anywhere in the indigenous comunities in Chiapas without being offered soft drinks, that is what people drink instead of water even in the poorest villages.

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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs Empty Re: Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

Post by RVGRINGO Mon Aug 19, 2019 10:18 am

Beer and wine were the drinks of choice, when people learned that polluted water was not tasty, and sometimes deadly. Then, Coca Cola was invented. The original actually had a bit of coca for stimulation of the desire for more.

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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs Empty Re: Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

Post by lakeside7 Tue Aug 20, 2019 8:46 am

MexicoPete wrote:I know that in Seattle, we have a sugar tax. And that as a result of this that diet coke costs slightly less than normal sugary coke.

Sadly Coke and all those "other's" are using a valuable commodity called water

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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs Empty Re: Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

Post by lakeside7 Tue Aug 20, 2019 8:50 am

espíritu del lago wrote:I'm sure it will adversely effect the poor ans working Mexicans.

Sadly it seems that the "poor Mexicans" (Kids) are the ones walking around with those big quart bottles of the junk food and already looking obese and in a few years time will have diabetes...overloading the already stretched health system

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Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs Empty Re: Higher taxes on junk food, cigarettes, alcohol urged to fund health costs

Post by brigitte Tue Aug 20, 2019 9:44 am

Yes , it is a huge problem and about to get worst.. Cocacola was introduced in the religious ceremonies in Chiapas in the 60´s to cut back on alcoholism and now they drink coke and pox at church, a double whammer.. The Evangelists have also adopted coke as their preferred drink.. All the toasts at the weddings I have attended are made with coke amongst the non drinkers.. and water is running out as coke and others are leasing the few decent water reservoirs.. t is just awful. There are mountains of soft drinks and none with low sugar or no sugar..

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