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Homeless in Seattle

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Homeless in Seattle - Page 2 Empty Re: Homeless in Seattle

Post by brigitte Sun Aug 25, 2019 12:23 pm

I had a temp in San Francisco who did just that.. worked for me during the day and live in her car and that was in the 90´s..

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Homeless in Seattle - Page 2 Empty Re: Homeless in Seattle

Post by Mrs. Rupert Sun Aug 25, 2019 1:30 pm

You cannot get up and go anywhere if you are homeless, with a car, without a car, with a family without money or a benefactor. You just can't get where you want to go. It is endless for them. We push a button and the washing is done, or the dishes are cleaned, etc. They have nothing.

Mrs. Rupert
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Homeless in Seattle - Page 2 Empty Re: Homeless in Seattle

Post by gringal Sun Aug 25, 2019 3:40 pm

Mrs. Rupert wrote:You cannot get up and go anywhere if you are homeless, with a car, without a car, with a family without money or a benefactor.  You just can't get where you want to go.  It is endless for them.  We push a button and the washing is done, or the dishes are cleaned, etc.  They have nothing.

Well said. It doesn't take a lot of imagination to picture trying to live homeless. Just trying to stay clean and presentable enough to find some kind of work would be daunting if you were one without medical problems.

More people than we know are a paycheck or two from homelessness, and there isn't all that much they can do to fix it.

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Homeless in Seattle - Page 2 Empty Re: Homeless in Seattle

Post by gringal Sun Aug 25, 2019 3:41 pm

Mrs. Rupert wrote:You cannot get up and go anywhere if you are homeless, with a car, without a car, with a family without money or a benefactor.  You just can't get where you want to go.  It is endless for them.  We push a button and the washing is done, or the dishes are cleaned, etc.  They have nothing.

Well said. It doesn't take a lot of imagination to picture trying to live homeless. Just trying to stay clean and presentable enough to find some kind of work would be daunting if you were one without medical problems.

More people than we know are a paycheck or two from homelessness, and there isn't all that much they can do to fix it.

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Homeless in Seattle - Page 2 Empty Re: Homeless in Seattle

Post by slainte39 Sun Aug 25, 2019 4:05 pm

I gave you 2 likes since you made it possible and probably should be repeated again.
Thumbs up

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Homeless in Seattle - Page 2 Empty Re: Homeless in Seattle

Post by Trailrunner Sun Aug 25, 2019 5:10 pm

I did too. Good to hear compassion and empathy here.

I cannot even begin to imagine how awful it would be to be a single mom with kids living in a car and without healthcare.
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Homeless in Seattle - Page 2 Empty Re: Homeless in Seattle

Post by RoyD Thu Aug 29, 2019 9:59 am

While in VA, our church hosted the homeless 1 week a year as did other churches on rotation. We always had Super Bowl week as we had a large screen TV so they could watch the Superbowl, hot meal and a place to sleep. I always volunteered for overnight because that was the hardest volunteer position to fill. Staying overnight is an eye opener. There are some with mental issues,and a few druggies with their brains fried, but a goodly amount had jobs but could not afford rent. Parents with children trying to get by I would see on occasion. They have a church sponsored program to get people into subsidized housing and medical attention. This has greatly reduced the number of homeless staying over nite by 50% over the years.

Government is pretty poor when it comes to managing these kind of problems. Charities do a far better job of doing this but are ham stringed by lack of funds. If the governments just gave half of what they are throwing away on the problem to the charities for managing the homeless, it would go a long way to reducing the number of homeless. We will always have homeless, but at least we can help the people that really need it.


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Homeless in Seattle - Page 2 Empty Re: Homeless in Seattle

Post by brigitte Thu Aug 29, 2019 11:43 am

The temp we had, never showed she was homeless, I foud out one day by accident... No all homeless are bums, mental cases, dirty and so on.. she had moved to the area and could not find a place she could afford and was living in her car meanwhile.. she eventually found a room somewhere but there are lots and lots of different situations.. It is pretty sad no matter what the circumstances to have nowhere to call home, at least she had a car and was safer than people sleeping n move theaters and on the street..

Another temp , ths one a warehouse worker told me that he slept at moviehouses, but that it was dangerous because people knew he had been paid and would slit his pockets while he was asleep to steal his money,, This one was a drug addict with a bunch of kids he had abandonned along with the mother because he could not take care of them,,,

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