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Another travesty about to happen

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Another travesty about to happen Empty Another travesty about to happen

Post by WillieRae Thu Aug 22, 2019 11:38 am

I can't get just the important post copied so am posting his Facebook page:

Go down his page until you come to the post about the new development in Ajijic and the taking down of old trees!
Maybe there are Mexican citizens on this board that might want to participate at the upcoming meeting......

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Another travesty about to happen Empty Re: Another travesty about to happen

Post by CanuckBob Thu Aug 22, 2019 12:08 pm

While I agree it's a shame however I'm of the mind that a property owner should be able to do what he pleases as far as landscaping goes. Those opposing should buy the property......

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Another travesty about to happen Empty Re: Another travesty about to happen

Post by lakeside7 Thu Aug 22, 2019 6:23 pm

What is very apparent as you drive/walk around Chapala and Ajijic is the serious amount of small , 4/10 unit condo/apartments, construction that is taking place. A lot of infilling on existing lots with homes.
Check out the huge new project in Chapala near the train station and the IMSS clinic
I was told by a friend of the developer that the old car wash in Ajijic opposite Dona Lola is going to be a small Cardiac treatment unit
Now we have hospital's growing like mushrooms.

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Another travesty about to happen Empty Re: Another travesty about to happen

Post by Trailrunner Sun Aug 25, 2019 7:54 am

WillieRae wrote:I can't get just the important post copied so am posting his Facebook page:

Go down his page until you come to the post about the new development in Ajijic and the taking down of old trees!
Maybe there are Mexican citizens on this board that might want to participate at the upcoming meeting......

I'm with you, WillieRae. According to TOB there is a movement spearheaded by Tommy Thompson to save this tree. Hope it works, it is a Primavera. Tom knows how to get things done.
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Another travesty about to happen Empty Re: Another travesty about to happen

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