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Rony's New Business

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Rony's New Business Empty Rony's New Business

Post by Trailrunner Fri Dec 06, 2019 8:07 pm

Rony has moved to Guadalajara and started a new business doing translations and assistance for clients in the city. He is multi-lingual. He has a FB page and is using it to post his recommendations. Here is his first post. You can friend him on FB and see for yourself at his page Translation Guadalajara. I think he's worth his weight in gold. Or chocolate.

As far as GUADALAJARA HOSPITALS.... here are 2 less expensive and fair alternatives to the luxury hospitals:
Both run by nuns :

Antonio Rosales 204 colonia Analco cp 44450
Tel 36172524
( several friends went there for surgery.... not more than a few 10 000 pesos, and very satisfied )

street = Miguel Blanco 1225 ( centro )

For those with SEGURO POPULAR :

A few months ago, 4 CRUZ VERDES ( the Green Cross ) became part of seguro popular ( they perform surgery ) :
Those are 3 ( street names, where they are ) already :
- Delgadillo Araujo
- Leonardo Oliva
- Ruiz Sánchez

Again for those with Seguro Popular :

An alternative to Hospital Civil is :
Av. Zoquipan 1050
Zapopan 45170
Tel 30306300 - 30306339

On a sidenote, here is what you need to enroll in the Seguro Popular ( no need to take a translator ) :
- Copy passport
- Copy residency card or IFE
- Copy CURP number
- Copy recent utility bill ( doesnt have to be in your name, but less than 3 months old )
A good time to go there is 8:30 am ( in Chapala, on Flavio Romero, between 5 de Mayo and Guerrero ).
It usually only takes a few minutes and you will be good for 3 years. No questions asked.

The RED CROSS ( near parque Morelos ) also performs surgery. A 70 year old Mexican friend ( 4 years ago ) went there for eye surgery, and they were able to fix something, that they couldnt in the US. ... A lot cheaper too. At that time ( and maybe still ) they had a 1st class ophtamologist.
My friend was super happy.

Also check out SALUD DIGNA, where they do all kinds of medical tests at a much lower price ( they also have a subsidiary on Av Alcalde.... for glasses ).

If later on, I will get more details on all the above, I will post it here ( also on a great animal hospital ). Stay tuned !
In meanwhile, Google is your friend.
Feel free to share this link on Facebook. The more people know this, the better, and we might get more positive or negative input about those places.
More later ....and again, thank you for sharing my Facebook paL
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Rony's New Business Empty Re: Rony's New Business

Post by SunshineyDay Fri Dec 06, 2019 11:30 pm


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Rony's New Business Empty Re: Rony's New Business

Post by slainte39 Sat Dec 07, 2019 12:40 am

Hospital del Pilar on Hidalgo, near Plaza Mexico, is also a very nice, less expensive hospital as well. If you can have your procedures done there, it will save you a lot of money.

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Rony's New Business Empty Re: Rony's New Business

Post by Trailrunner Sat Dec 07, 2019 7:47 am

Thanks Slainte, I will forward your recommendation to him. He is asking for input.
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Rony's New Business Empty Re: Rony's New Business

Post by Trailrunner Mon Dec 09, 2019 4:57 pm


After almost 15 years of seeing vets and animal hospitals in Guadalajara and Lakeside, I finally found the " top ".
VETERINARIA ARBOLEDAS ( animal hospital )
Av Cruz del Sur 2909, Bosques de La Victoria, 44540 Guadalajara
33 3623 0261
Dr Baron comes very highly recommended by MANY. They have all the equipment ( like ultrasound equipment ) and are open 24 hours. Their prices are very reasonable, and it really sometimes pays off ( for the animal and your wallet ) to simply take a car or taxi to get there.
Very recently, I went there with my dog and they did X Rays + ultrasound + the consultation for only 1050 pesos in total. And Dr Baron knows his stuff ! Unlike most vets, he knows about the benefits of CBD oil for pets, something still quite new for animals...and for vets.
In an emergency ( or something more serious ) day or night, I know where to go.
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Rony's New Business Empty Re: Rony's New Business

Post by CanuckBob Mon Dec 09, 2019 5:25 pm

Ladrons clinic also has 24hr emergency care available. We had to take a little rescue Chihuahua in there late on a Sunday evening. They only charged $800 pesos to meet us there and diagnose a hypoglycemic problem. No need to drive into GDL.

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