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Requirements for Residente Temporal visas for USA married couple

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Requirements for Residente Temporal visas for USA married couple Empty Requirements for Residente Temporal visas for USA married couple

Post by mickyman Sun Jan 12, 2020 5:23 pm

What are the income requirements for a married couple from the USA applying for Residente Temporal (RT) visas in Mexico? My wife has enough pension to qualify for an RT as an individual, but my social security is not enough for me to qualify as an individual. Is the requirement for a married couple from the USA less than twice the requirement for two individuals? Also, is there a minimum amount of time the couple has to be married before applying at a consulate in the States for their RTs?


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Requirements for Residente Temporal visas for USA married couple Empty Re: Requirements for Residente Temporal visas for USA married couple

Post by Wide Sky Mon Jan 13, 2020 8:37 am

Call or visit a MX consulate and ask your questions. Each consulate seems to 'interpret' the requirements in different ways and ultimately you have to get past them first. Sonia Diaz did mention that amounts are per person but some consulates will accept lower financials for a spouse.
I don't believe there is a minimum time to be married but you may be asked some questions as to why you recently got married.
Here are a couple of articles -

Wide Sky
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Requirements for Residente Temporal visas for USA married couple Empty Re: Requirements for Residente Temporal visas for USA married couple

Post by mickyman Tue Jan 14, 2020 9:35 am

Thanks for your reply and the links Wide Sky. I've been hoping someone that has tried to do the thing, successfully or not, would respond. So far not on this board or the other. Anyway, thanks again.


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Post by ferret Tue Jan 14, 2020 9:54 am

mickyman, we've nearly all had to jump through the hoops at one time or another. The reason you aren't getting any replies is because the rules change annually so the links OR info directly from the consulate that you will be using are your best foot forward. Suerte.
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Post by CanuckBob Tue Jan 14, 2020 10:30 am

Yep, each consulate seems to have their own rules and requirements. Best to check with the closest one to you.

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Requirements for Residente Temporal visas for USA married couple Empty Re: Requirements for Residente Temporal visas for USA married couple

Post by RVGRINGO Tue Jan 14, 2020 11:55 am

If only one qualifies, the other can come as a tourist. When the firs has the visa card, the other one can apply to INM for equal status, under vincula familiar, as I understand it.

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Post by ferret Tue Jan 14, 2020 1:28 pm

RVGRINGO wrote:If only one qualifies, the other can come as a tourist. When the firs has the visa card, the other one can apply to INM for equal status, under vincula familiar, as I understand it.

Exactly and that is clearly stated on Sonia's link above. There is no space between the TWO links shown above.
From Sonia's link...

Visas Through Family / Spouse / Employer

Obtaining a visa under family for a married couple (not common-law), normally each must show the qualifying amounts of income, investments etc. If not possible, one option is for one person of the married couple to qualify. If husband qualifies and wife does not, she enters as a tourist and when husband has his visa she may start her visa process in Mexico. Spouse does not need financials as she is being sponsored by the other spouse. However, if name on wife's and husband's passports do not exactly match as per their names on the marriage certificate one needs a notarized letter from their Embassy in Mexico City confirming the person named on the passport is the same person named on the marriage license. Example, Mary Elizabeth Smith is not the same as Mary E. Smith to INM. The marriage license will also need to be legalized or apostilled and translated by a certified translator in Mexico. If wife can qualify and husband enters as a tourist it is usually easier as the husband's name on his passport more often matches his name on marriage license / certificate.

When the sponsor is a Permanent Resident the other family member/s may apply as a Temporary Resident. The person who becomes a Temporary Resident applies for one year. Then renews for one more year. After two years that person may become a Permaent Resident. There is the need to apostille or legalize marriage certificate and to have the apostille and license translated by a certified translator in Mexico. Same process applies for a child who is being sponsored by a parent with a Temporary or Permanent Resident visa.
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Requirements for Residente Temporal visas for USA married couple Empty Re: Requirements for Residente Temporal visas for USA married couple

Post by mickyman Tue Jan 14, 2020 5:39 pm

OK then, I think I've got it: first try to get both RT visa applications accepted and approved at a lenient consulate the States. If only one gets approved, then the other spouse enters with an FMM for 180 days, and after the first spouse gets the final RT card in Mexico the other spouse applies in Mexico to be sponsored by the spouse with the RT.

Thank you Sonia for saying San Diego could be a lenient consulate. Does anyone know of other generally lenient consulates?


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Requirements for Residente Temporal visas for USA married couple Empty Re: Requirements for Residente Temporal visas for USA married couple

Post by Wide Sky Tue Jan 14, 2020 8:09 pm

ferret wrote:There is no space between the TWO links shown above.
Is it your opinion that there needs to be a space between the two links? if so, why?
A hard return isn't adequate?

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Post by ferret Tue Jan 14, 2020 10:32 pm

I meant no disrespect Wide Sky. The information was there in the excellent links that you provided but somehow the OP missed it. I assumed, possibly incorrectly, that the OP didn't notice that it was two separate links.
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