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Restaurant Take-out

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Restaurant Take-out Empty Restaurant Take-out

Post by Trailrunner Wed Mar 25, 2020 10:04 am

I think any restaurant that is cooking and preparing food for take-out should accompany each order with a video of the kitchen and the employees as they make your order.

I've seen so much non-compliance out in the open I shudder to think what might be going on behind closed doors. Wish I felt comfortable ordering take-out.
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Restaurant Take-out Empty Re: Restaurant Take-out

Post by gringal Wed Mar 25, 2020 11:06 am

That's my problem with take-out. Who knows what's going on in the kitchen or who's handling the food before it gets into your hands? Might as well take your chances, eat in the restaurant, and let them take care of the cleanup.

I'm cooking at home these days. I know what's going on in my kitchen.

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Restaurant Take-out Empty Re: Restaurant Take-out

Post by brigitte Wed Mar 25, 2020 11:18 am

The open kitchens of restaurants in California, when the fashion started really helped with the cleanliness in the restaurant kitchens.. In my jobs I went in and out of many kitchen in restaurants and hotels, some of them are appalling and I only called on high end places..
Once in Hong Kong we wemt to a restaurant where we had to cross the kitchento get to another room.. there was a fire escape off the kitchen and my husband and I took off while the wiater kept on going...

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