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TOB - Page 2 Empty Re: TOB

Post by RickS Sat Mar 28, 2020 1:18 pm

ferret wrote:I think so too. I believe that Hud and Hookemhorns are two of them. Same writing style, same attitude, same attack mode and uses same emojii

Unfortunately I think there is more than one....

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TOB - Page 2 Empty Re: TOB

Post by CHILLIN Sat Mar 28, 2020 1:23 pm

Why I don't get is how someone could move to Mexico. First as temp, then a permanent resident, an immigrant if you will, and then claim a fierce fealty, and patriotism for the country they supposedly emigrated from. Shouldn't the Mexican government be saying to these people, you lied to us, get the hell out. I know this would happen in Canada if a new immigrant says they just want to use up their free education, health care, social net benefits then I' m out of this dump, back to my real country. Well, maybe they wouldn't be deported, but they woulc certainly be unpopular and shunned.
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TOB - Page 2 Empty Re: TOB

Post by HoneyBee Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:21 pm

Well Chillin do you remember several years back when the Canadian Navy had to send a ship to Lebanon to rescue Canadians stranded in a civil war ? Yes the were dual citizens. Shocked

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TOB - Page 2 Empty Re: TOB

Post by RickS Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:40 pm

Well I for one don't even understand your mindset. If I'm not misreading your thoughts you believe that, once I have migrated away from a country, I can thereafter have no 'feelings'.... especially good ones.... about that country. Do a lobotomy so to speak.
And please explain to me how Mexico might come up with a 'you lied to me' and 'get the hell out' position.
Color me baffled...
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TOB - Page 2 Empty Re: TOB

Post by gringal Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:42 pm

Chillin: it largely depends on why they moved here. Some came because they had to in order to make ends meet, which they couldn't in their home country. If their fortunes change, they scurry back to where their real loyalties remain.
Some come with the intent of living out their lives here, and they usually have minimal feelings about what's going on in their former country. Considering what's going on there now, I'm happy to identify with the latter group. That's taking into account that all is far from perfect here.

I know of stories told by our European and elsewhere ancestors that they remained interested in the fate of the countries they left, even though they had hard times or persecution there. Many had such a dificult time blending into U.S. culture that life was a constant challenge.

Every expat has his/own story. I think we should be as tolerant as we can of them.

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TOB - Page 2 Empty Re: TOB

Post by CHILLIN Sat Mar 28, 2020 3:07 pm

What if I humanize my notions. Supposed you divorced your wife, and then moved on with someone else. Vows, promises, the whole works. What do you think would happen is you started praising your ex-wife, she is the greatest love of my life, I wish she would take me back. You would end up with 2 ex- wives, that's what.
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TOB - Page 2 Empty Re: TOB

Post by RickS Sat Mar 28, 2020 3:13 pm

Well I surely 'on board' with that last thought but think that you 'analogy engine' is broken....
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TOB - Page 2 Empty Re: TOB

Post by HoneyBee Sat Mar 28, 2020 3:35 pm

or 2 passports Beer

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TOB - Page 2 Empty Re: TOB

Post by CanuckBob Sat Mar 28, 2020 3:45 pm

Yeah that analogy is way out there chillin. We both know Canada is far superior to Mexico in many ways other than the cost of living, shitty weather and lack of a true culture........however we both love Mexico with all its warts and flaws.

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