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Masks Empty Masks

Post by DeborahM Sat Mar 28, 2020 1:36 pm

Moderator, I'm not sure exactly where to post this. If it is in the wrong place, would you please move it to wherever it belongs? Thank you for allowing the post. Things are very hard right now for the villagers in San Juan Cosala.

Operation Feed is taking mask orders. Janine Kirkland and Carol Curtis are coordinating mask sales and delivery. The women ventured to Chapala to buy more material and elastic and are sewing like crazy. 50 pesos per mask or contribute a 100 pesos and they will give you one and give another mask to a villager. The value of masks: 1. People move away automatically when you are wearing one 2. The mask reminds you not to touch your face. But now the science is saying masks for everyone may be doing some good. If you want to order masks, let us know. Next delivery will be Monday. Please contact Carol Curtis directly via FB messenger.

Operation Feed is also preparing to help another 100-150 villagers who have lost a way to earn a minimum amount of money. Families that sold food outside their homes, who worked as waiters, who worked as handyman, etc. To purchases a month's food, we need to raise an additional 40,000 pesos. We are aware of the needs of everyone, including the animals, and know that many of you are supporting your gardeners and housekeepers and other charities. That makes it hard to ask for your generosity, but it would make a big difference if you could donate a small amount to help San Juan Cosalá.

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Masks Empty Re: Masks

Post by DeborahM Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:17 pm

For those who do  not use facebook, you can also email mask orders to Carol Curtis at OR Janine Kirkland at

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Masks Empty Re: Masks

Post by ferret Sun Mar 29, 2020 9:54 am

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Masks Empty Re: Masks

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