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Jacksonville FL

espíritu del lago
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Jacksonville FL Empty Jacksonville FL

Post by RoyD Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:25 am

Day 17 of our lock down. I went to Sam's yesterday. They started opening at 7 am for seniors. I had gloves and a proper mask and left wife at home. Got there and there were about 50+ people in line spaced out. As we approached the door, they broke into two lines with employees spraying each cart with disinfectant before we go in. I asked mine to check the oil and tires which brought a giggle from her.

There was still no TP or Hand Sanitizer, but they had disinfectant wipes (1ea 4/pk per customer) and a good supply of bottled water. I am free of the bottles as I installed a reverse osmosis water purifier last week. Three cheers for my back. I got most of the items I needed, but had to make a side trip to Wynn Dixie for a couple of items I could not get. I got home and used my newly acquired wipes to wipe every item down before loading it into my cart to take into the condo. Mission accomplished.

I learned yesterday, about what I had expected two weeks ago, is that the virus is AIRBORNE. MIT study showed it could stay in the air for 27 feet, so much for social distancing. Air samples taken from a hospital tested positive for the virus in the isolation rooms, the hallways outside of the isolation rooms, and at the nurses station. This virus can float around a good amount of time and can be circulated around by HVAC systems. This explains why it spread so quickly. I would like them to take samples of the air in NYC. It would probable be eye opening.

Stay home and do not go outdoors without a proper mask.


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Jacksonville FL Empty Re: Jacksonville FL

Post by espíritu del lago Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:35 am

I read the same article I'm erring on the cautious side staying put. Plenty of food.

If I have to go out I have a bottle of bleach in a spray bottle to disinfect anything and everything. I will be wearing a mask. No take for me.
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Jacksonville FL Empty Re: Jacksonville FL

Post by ferret Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:47 am

Good for you RoyD!!! Out of curiosity, how many others were wearing masks and gloves?
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Jacksonville FL Empty Re: Jacksonville FL

Post by RoyD Wed Apr 01, 2020 9:30 am

Quite a few, but not all. A lot had the simpler masks which are not much protection and a few had the same mask (I cannot remember what it is called) that I did. A majority had gloves, but some did not. I felt safe and secure in my shopping, but one never knows. Best to limit outdoor trips for now, except to get necessities.

I would be stocking up on canned goods down there. The food supply chain is beginning to break down, so there will be food shortages.

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Jacksonville FL Empty Re: Jacksonville FL

Post by RoyD Wed Apr 01, 2020 9:42 am

The mask is a N95. You can see it here:

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Jacksonville FL Empty Re: Jacksonville FL

Post by ferret Wed Apr 01, 2020 10:04 am

Those N95 masks should be reserved for hospitals and front line workers. For the rest of us, any mask is helpful as long as we maintain social distancing and do a LOT of hand washing. The hospital workers (as has been pointed out in articles) cannot treat a patient from six feet away. Let the right products go to THEM and God bless 'em all!
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Jacksonville FL Empty Re: Jacksonville FL

Post by RoyD Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:07 pm

This situation is a lot like Pearl Harbor in WW-II. The US was not prepared for what happened then, but industry and Americans pitched in and the great fight was won. In the end, I believe we will beat Covid 19, but with uncertain casualties.

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Jacksonville FL Empty Re: Jacksonville FL

Post by RVGRINGO Thu Apr 02, 2020 10:12 am

The attack and resultant damage and fatalities happened in Hawaii; not in the USA. People were able to go to work, and to redouble their efforts without damage to their facilities or their economic infrastructure. Yes, it is different now.

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Jacksonville FL Empty Re: Jacksonville FL

Post by HoneyBee Thu Apr 02, 2020 10:28 am

Is Hawaii not part of the US ? : Shocked

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Jacksonville FL Empty Re: Jacksonville FL

Post by Trailrunner Thu Apr 02, 2020 10:30 am

True, RVG, except for the martial law and blackout for about 3 years following the bombing. . . Hawaii was a territory of the U.S. at that time.
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Jacksonville FL Empty Re: Jacksonville FL

Post by ferret Thu Apr 02, 2020 10:31 am

Hawaii did not become a state until August 21st of 1959
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Jacksonville FL Empty Re: Jacksonville FL

Post by HoneyBee Thu Apr 02, 2020 11:15 am

I just knew these comments were coming.... Beer

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Jacksonville FL Empty Re: Jacksonville FL

Post by slainte39 Thu Apr 02, 2020 5:17 pm

There were 48 states in the "United States" in 1941. The official name is the United States of America and Territories.
You figure out if it was one of the United States or a Territory.
Is Puerto Rico one of the United States today???Administered by and owned but not represented in the USA government.

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Jacksonville FL Empty Re: Jacksonville FL

Post by slainte39 Thu Apr 02, 2020 5:19 pm

HoneyBee wrote:I just knew these comments were coming.... Beer

Then I guess your "trolling" worked as anticipated.  Very Happy

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Jacksonville FL Empty Re: Jacksonville FL

Post by HoneyBee Thu Apr 02, 2020 6:48 pm

No I was just to lazy to check if Hawaii was a state or a territory back then. Very Happy

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Jacksonville FL Empty Re: Jacksonville FL

Post by CanuckBob Thu Apr 02, 2020 8:34 pm

Lol.....I hear ya on that one!!

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Jacksonville FL Empty Re: Jacksonville FL

Post by RickS Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:03 pm

HoneyBee wrote:No I was just to lazy to check if Hawaii was a state or a territory back then. Very Happy

Well if that's the worse mistake you make this week all will be well.....
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Jacksonville FL Empty Re: Jacksonville FL

Post by sampati Mon Apr 06, 2020 4:57 am

This is the list of essential services exempt from the closings for covid-19 here in Florida.  

DeSantis’s order also says essential services include those on a list kept by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and which MIami-Dade County has detailed in several orders issued there.

The Miami-Dade list includes:

Healthcare providers, including, but not limited to, hospitals, doctors, dentists, urgent care centers, clinics, rehabilitation facilities, physical therapists, mental health professionals, therapists and pharmacists.
Grocery stores, farmers markets, farm and produce stands, food banks, convenience stores and other establishments that sell canned food, dry goods, fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh meats and poultry and any other household consumer products, such as cleaning supplies.
Food cultivation, including farming, livestock and fishing.
Businesses that provide food, shelter, social services and other necessities of life.
Newspapers, television, radio and other media.
Gas stations and auto-supply, auto-repair and related facilities.
Hardware stores.
Contractors and other tradesmen, appliance repair personnel, exterminators and other services needed to maintain a residence.
Businesses providing mailing and shipping services, including post office boxes.
Private colleges, trade schools and technical colleges, but only as needed to facilitate distance learning.
Laundromats, dry cleaners and laundry service providers.
Restaurants (take-out and/or delivery only).
School food giveaways.
Office supply stores.
Businesses that supply other essential businesses with the support or supplies needed to operate and which do not interact with the public.
Businesses that ship or deliver groceries, food, goods or services directly to residences.
Airlines, taxis and other private transportation providers via automobile, truck, bus or train.
Home-based care for seniors, adults or children.
Assisted living facilities, nursing homes and adult day care centers and senior residential facilities.
Professional services, such as law or accounting firms, when needed to assist in compliance with legally mandated activities.
Landscape and pool care businesses.
Childcare facilities meeting certain conditions.
Businesses operating at any airport, seaports or other government facility, including parks and government offices.
Pet supply stores.
Logistic providers, including warehouses, trucking, consolidators, fumigators and handlers.
Telecommunications providers.
Propane and natural gas companies.
Office and administrative support needed to perform any of the above.
Open construction sites.
Architectural, engineering or land surveying services.
Factories, manufacturing facilities, bottling plants other industrial uses.
Waste management services.
Any business that is interactive with customers solely through electronic or telephonic means, and delivering products via mailing, shipping or delivery services.

DeSantis’s order says the Florida Department of Emergency Management and the Florida Department of Health will publish any approved additions to the list.
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Jacksonville FL Empty Re: Jacksonville FL

Post by RoyD Mon Apr 06, 2020 8:52 pm

Update for JAX. We are up to 419 cases & 9 deaths. This is double over last week. The death rate is rather low, over the other areas of the country at 2.2%. I believe the early institution of social distancing and closing of restaurants and other public services has had an impact on those low numbers. Jacksonville is the largest city in the U.S. by area. Our population is more spread out in that area.

Miami-Dade has a large, population, in a smaller area, so their numbers are high. Just about every city with high populations are experiencing high case counts.


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