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Lady Otter Latté
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Post by Trailrunner Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:40 pm

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Post by Lady Otter Latté Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:59 pm

Did you forget a link or something?
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Post by ferret Sat Apr 04, 2020 11:26 pm

I think frustration is setting in for some people. I am not a social butterfly and really don't mind the isolation. I have lots of things to do, shows to watch, books to read, cribbage games with the computer, e-mails and calls.
However, I was raised an only child with parents who both worked and had no other relatives in Canada. In hindsight, good training for spending time alone. Everyone's different. Chin up TR!

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Post by CanuckBob Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:09 am

Yep could be a few more months.......

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Post by gringal Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:11 am

Kind if like Ferret, I was an only child with busy older parents, and was used to being solo. However, I do miss getting out and about. When they closed the Ajijic Malecon as of this week, it was a real loss! That daily morning walk by the lake was a biggie.

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Post by CanuckBob Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:18 am

Well we may just dodge the bullet around here if they stay on top of us.

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Post by Trailrunner Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:24 am


Sorry, I fell asleep last night after posting but feel better this morning. Too much isolation, screen time, and not enough meaningful satisfying exercise. There is no light at the end of the tunnel, no end in sight, and it's beginning to get to me. Thanks for your concern. 💕

Like you ferret, I was an only child and am easily able to entertain myself. Normally, but this is pushing it! Yes, lots of projects and hobbies, good books and movies. No problem there. I'm tired of them. Can't paint, must feel calm and centered to create art - not low-level angst. I will survive.

Had to put Screwy Louie down last week, over the last few years he had become Slightly Scary Screwy Louie. He clearly had psychological problems and recently had become aggressive with low growling and long periods of staring at walls, pooped in the house the other night and peed on the guest bed before that, fear of everything, and generally creepy behavior. He had been through 2 trainers and was in an exercise program with Jorge Rivera twice a week. Five vets later, he finally gave me a reason to put him down. We were playing, he was on the floor and I was standing - luckily. I was petting his forehead and suddenly he lunged up snarling and viciously tried to bite me - all teeth and saliva dripping. I screamed at him and he rolled on his back in submission. I got him into the garage and when he was calm I slipped the leash on him and walked him down to the vet. Vet said he had to be put down.

Interestingly, it took SEVEN barbituate injections directly into his heart to finally stop his heart and make him stop breathing over 40 minutes. Unprecedented, the doc said. I was not sad.

So now, I get to look for another pup. If I could just get out there!
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Post by gringal Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:28 am

I haven't heard whether they have closed the shelters for adoptions. Hope you find a good one. Sorry to hear the sad ending with your dog.

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Post by SunFan Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:38 am

So sad about Screwy Louie. Our two rescue dogs are a source of entertainment and comfort during the quarantine.

I'd suggest a new rescue dog would help you through the next few weeks.

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Post by Trailrunner Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:47 am

Thanks, Gringal! Thanks, Sun Fan! 💕

I have looked online at Lucky Dog and a couple others but need to choose very carefully this time and that requires spending time with the animal - and the shelter. No hurry but it would be nice. Tried walking around the neighborhood yesterday for exercise but it felt sad and pointless with no leash in hand.

Would like to find a medium size, female, terrier X with poodle/maltese/? And not a puppy. Smart, sweet, calm, and healthy. Or . . .  ?  It's the connection that matters.
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Post by Gamina Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:04 am

Exactly why I like older dogs. They generally present no surprises.
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Post by ferret Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:05 am

Up until 2016, I have only ever had one dog at a time. That changed when I brought Ginny Fuzzbucket home. Two is GOOD. They play and socialize with each other and amuse me with their antics and different personalities. I would also be wary of any critter that needs to be professionally groomed since it's an added expense. YMMV. Of course, when you fall in love with a critter, common sense flies out the window... and that's fine too.
Sorry for your loss TR and even sorrier given the circumstances.
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Post by gobluejohn Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:45 am

so sad sorry for your loss, we have had to put down 3 loved cats in the ten years we have been here
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Post by Trailrunner Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:07 am

Thanks, everyone, for your kind thoughts and words.

Giving credit where due - it was LOL who dubbed Louie Screwy Louie way back when he was just a funny clown puppy at the dog park.

At one appt with Dr. Daniel Borrego, he just shook his head and said a problem with rescue dogs is you never really know what you're getting or what they have already been through. And I agree, Gringal, about inbreeding here! An older dog would be fine with me.

Luckily, I have The World's Best Cat for company.
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Post by caligirl108 Sun Apr 05, 2020 1:31 pm

TR ~ u could try fostering a dog since the flights are shut down, dogs aren't getting sent to the US anymore.  I may do this, just to get some action around the house..

But always know: they chose you..somehow, thru synchronicity, your new girl will find you..

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Post by Trailrunner Sun Apr 05, 2020 2:15 pm

Thanks, CG, you are right about them choosing you. I'm looking forward to it! Fostering is a good idea.
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Post by gringal Sun Apr 05, 2020 3:44 pm

We think this quarantining is getting old........wait. I'll bet this misery continues until they have an effective vaccine. Guess I'm a pessimist.

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Post by Lady Otter Latté Sun Apr 05, 2020 4:27 pm

Oh, Trailrunner, so sorry about the way things ended with Louie. I smile remembering him and my Yoli running, chasing, playing, spinning at the dog park. It was a great time for us all. (Well, except for the crazy dog lady and her even crazier black dog.)
You gave Louie the best life he could have had and also a gentle exit. You did right by him. I know you will find the perfect dog for you. She is out there waiting.
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Post by Trailrunner Sun Apr 05, 2020 5:06 pm

Thanks, LOL, very sweet words. I kept Louie for 7 years, always trying to find another home for him, and I do feel that I gave him every chance. He had allergies and I made his food. He crashed into me one time at the park running full speed knocked me down, broke my toe, sprained my ankle and caused cuts and bruises. I don't miss him.

Those were fun times! I have the pictures. Thanks again!
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Post by CanuckBob Sun Apr 05, 2020 5:14 pm

Sounds like poor ole Louie definitely had a screw loose or dipped into the tequila when you weren't looking!!!

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Post by Trailrunner Sun Apr 05, 2020 6:12 pm

Yeah, CB, vet and I were thinking brain tumor. Maybe some kind of chemical/metabolic disorder. It was a very gradual onset.
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Post by brigitte Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:20 pm


I just sent you a message!

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Post by Sunnyvmx Mon Apr 06, 2020 5:34 am

My friend has a lovely 3 yr old female, spayed and shots, poodle type. She doesn't have a yard and would like Belle to have more freedom and exercise. She would only consider a forever home and take her back if she didn't work out. She's a pretty and loving dog with a happy personality. Contact her at
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Post by court0503 Mon Apr 06, 2020 8:18 am

Not a terrier but the sweetest companion the Ranch to meet Margo. Very affectionate, walks beautifully on a leash, .....I’m fostering her presently and can’t recommend her enough!


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Post by Trailrunner Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:02 am

Please send photo, court0503. Thanks.
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