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Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant

Canadian Rose
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Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant Empty Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant

Post by Bill Phillips Sun Apr 12, 2020 2:16 pm

Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant for allegedly refusing to sell ventilators to Mexican hospitals:

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Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant Empty Re: Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant

Post by CanuckBob Sun Apr 12, 2020 2:29 pm

Seems appropriate to me although I would have just confiscated them like the US did for Canadian bound masks. Screw them if they won't help the country that is helping them with cheap labor.

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Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant Empty Re: Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant

Post by HoneyBee Sun Apr 12, 2020 2:44 pm

The company is in fact a UK owned company Shocked

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Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant Empty Re: Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant

Post by Zedinmexico Sun Apr 12, 2020 4:42 pm

The factory is a export only factory and they are legally correct. The factory is not allowed to sell in Mexico. The company is US based but parent corporation is a UK company. Sometimes things are not black and white as folks would like them.

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Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant Empty Re: Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant

Post by CanuckBob Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:24 pm

Well if the guys that make the laws are asking them to sell domestically I don't see that being a problem. No?

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Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant Empty Re: Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant

Post by Canadian Rose Sun Apr 19, 2020 12:31 pm

If neighboring Countries can not help each other out in a Pandemic what has the World come to?
Trump is the master of chaos and confusion not much else.

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Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant Empty Re: Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant

Post by addtocart Mon Apr 20, 2020 9:14 am

Canadian Rose wrote:If neighboring Countries can not help each other out in a Pandemic what has the World come to?
Trump is the master of chaos and confusion not much else.
How is this a Trump thing?  Is that all you people think about?
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Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant Empty Re: Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant

Post by CanuckBob Mon Apr 20, 2020 9:18 am

Probably because trump is the one who ordered 3M to not sell masks to Canada or Mexico....??

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Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant Empty Re: Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant

Post by slainte39 Mon Apr 20, 2020 5:49 pm

addtocart wrote:
Canadian Rose wrote:If neighboring Countries can not help each other out in a Pandemic what has the World come to?
Trump is the master of chaos and confusion not much else.
How is this a Trump thing?  Is that all you people think about?

YES!!!!! (I´m a "you people")

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Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant Empty Re: Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant

Post by ferret Mon Apr 20, 2020 6:50 pm

Maybe it should have said "U" people... standing for University educated... aka usually someone with a brain that is capable of rational thought.
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Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant Empty Re: Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant

Post by Lady Otter Latté Mon Apr 20, 2020 7:14 pm

addtocart wrote:
Canadian Rose wrote:If neighboring Countries can not help each other out in a Pandemic what has the World come to?
Trump is the master of chaos and confusion not much else.
How is this a Trump thing?  Is that all you people think about?

Are you asking what the President of the U.S. has to do with how the country interacts with other countries and deals with a world-wide pandemic?

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Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant Empty Re: Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant

Post by LuvSouth Wed Apr 22, 2020 5:56 pm

Kindly include me in the “One of you people” cohort.

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Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant Empty Re: Mexico closes U.S.-owned plant

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