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UnoDosTres Empty UnoDosTres

Post by Trailrunner Fri Apr 17, 2020 12:54 pm

Looks like an app that I will love! Maybe.

Registered and paid TelMex with US c/c no problem. Received pagado confirmation on the website but have not received receipt in email. Input data and tried to pay CFE but have been stuck for several hours with a message that they are experiencing problems paying services. Which could mean anything from they are having a tech problem to the fact that my CFE is in another name. Or, I will soon be living in darkness.

Anyone else have experience with this site??? Good or bad???

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UnoDosTres Empty Re: UnoDosTres

Post by casi nada Fri Apr 17, 2020 3:41 pm

Trailrunner wrote:Looks like an app that I will love! Maybe.

Registered and paid TelMex with US c/c no problem. Received pagado confirmation on the website but have not received receipt in email. Input data and tried to pay CFE but have been stuck for several hours with a message that they are experiencing problems paying services. Which could mean anything from they are having a tech problem to the fact that my CFE is in another name. Or, I will soon be living in darkness.

Anyone else have experience with this site??? Good or bad???


I've paid CFE with UnDosTres for the past 2 years. The name on the account shouldn't matter, you just need the account number. After you input the account # the total due should pop-up in the "Monto de Pago" field. The only problem I've found is that if you don't have a balance it doesn't let you put in a payment, so if you want to prepay your account it won't work.

casi nada
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UnoDosTres Empty Re: UnoDosTres

Post by Trailrunner Fri Apr 17, 2020 5:04 pm

Thanks mucho, Casi Nada! Yes. All that has been done and is reflected correctly in my account. The only thing lacking is an email receipt for TelMex, and the receiving of my CFE payment. All CFE info is there, balance is correct, but when hitting the Siguente bar I get this - Lo sentimos, por el momento estamos experimentando problemas con los pagos a servicios. Since 11am.

Thanks for for your experience info, I will wait longer.
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UnoDosTres Empty Re: UnoDosTres

Post by ferret Fri Apr 17, 2020 6:46 pm

I have been trying to pay my Telcel and Telmex bills with them for three days. And I have e-mailed them as to the problem. I keep getting "oops, algo malo...".
I think perhaps they are overwhelmed with the response in the current time frame.
Since it takes two days to get the payment to the company specified, I have two days left in which to succeed.
Then, I will have to print off the bill and trot into the Oxxo like I usually do to pay.
A great concept but I'm (so far) very disappointed.
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UnoDosTres Empty Re: UnoDosTres

Post by WillieRae Fri Apr 17, 2020 7:17 pm

Ferret...I finally got my Telcel bill paid after trying for over an hour.....then they sent a survey about the service!!! Guess how I answered?

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UnoDosTres Empty Re: UnoDosTres

Post by Trailrunner Fri Apr 17, 2020 7:18 pm

I think you're right but it did pay my TM. . .
I'll give them until Mon then pay at OXXO too. Then, of course, the charges will go through. Oh well, no big.
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UnoDosTres Empty Re: UnoDosTres

Post by Trailrunner Fri Apr 17, 2020 7:19 pm

WillieRae wrote:Ferret...I finally got my Telcel bill paid after trying for over an hour.....then they sent a survey about the service!!!  Guess how I answered?

Unodostres? How did you finally succeed?
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UnoDosTres Empty Re: UnoDosTres

Post by artsnob Fri Apr 17, 2020 9:36 pm

I gave up on them and went back to xoxo to pay all my bills as it is only two blocks away then I can get some of their coffee

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UnoDosTres Empty Re: UnoDosTres

Post by Trailrunner Sat Apr 18, 2020 7:51 am

Disregard this website. Not recommended.
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UnoDosTres Empty Re: UnoDosTres

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