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Tarjeta de Circulacion

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Tarjeta de Circulacion Empty Tarjeta de Circulacion

Post by cypress Wed May 13, 2020 7:10 pm

I paid for my 2020 sticker for my vehicle in January in early January at the Recaudadora in Jocotepec. Finally they had my Tarjeta de Circulacion (after 6 visits). Officially where are the 3 parts supposed to go. The 4" x 6" one in your glove box. The 1"x 2" one on a window, the 2" x 3" in your wallet? It is a new car so I had no smaller stickers before.

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Tarjeta de Circulacion Empty Re: Tarjeta de Circulacion

Post by ferret Wed May 13, 2020 7:25 pm

I keep the 4" by 6" in my house with the receipt in my Car Legal File. You used to have to keep that one FOREVER because they are needed to prove that refrendos are paid and up to date. Don't know if that's still the case with everything computerized.

The small one is in with my insurance in the glove box. And the hologram goes on the car window.

Don't put the hologram on a tinted window because it will peel off the tint when you go to replace it next year. Been there, done that.
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Tarjeta de Circulacion Empty Re: Tarjeta de Circulacion

Post by CanuckBob Wed May 13, 2020 8:15 pm

Do they even have stickers yet? They didn't in March when I went.

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Tarjeta de Circulacion Empty Re: Tarjeta de Circulacion

Post by MexicoPete Wed May 13, 2020 8:32 pm

Some places had them. And then they would run out. I went and paid a fee for S&S auto to get mine early before I went up north. I'm guessing I did this around the 10th to 15th of January and I got the sticker Etc.
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Tarjeta de Circulacion Empty Re: Tarjeta de Circulacion

Post by cypress Wed May 13, 2020 8:48 pm

ferret wrote:I keep the 4" by 6" in my house with the receipt in my Car Legal File. You used to have to keep that one FOREVER because they are needed to prove that refrendos are paid and up to date. Don't know if that's still the case with everything computerized.

The small one is in with my insurance in the glove box. And the hologram goes on the car window.

Don't put the hologram on a tinted window because it will peel off the tint when you go to replace it next year. Been there, done that.

That is still the case.

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