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espíritu del lago
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Post by espíritu del lago Thu May 14, 2020 12:48 am

Yes it's lengthy. One of the hospital workers posted anonymously in my hometown. He was venting. If you could please take a moment to read it, maybe share it would be appreciated.

"Ok, so, here’s some venting and some explaining and if you don’t like it, I honestly don’t care. Move on and good day to you.

This has easily been the longest 2 months of my career, and, for that matter, my life. COVID-19 has changed everything. The way we live, the way our kids learn, the way we work. It has trashed the economy, exploded unemployment, and harmed businesses, many of them, sadly, beyond repair. But here’s the deal: it’s real and it’s here and it’s still spreading.

As a healthcare worker, I’m exhausted. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. As a manager in the the healthcare industry, it’s been one of the longest, most stressful things I’ve tackled.

First off, the truthers and the conspiracy people and the protesters, you’re not helping. The people bitching CONSTANTLY about the governor’s or whatever level of government’s handling of things, it’s not constructive.

Do you want to know why medical people, real medical people, not some crackpot quacks and kooks with a YouTube account or Facebook page, are taking this seriously? Because it’s serious. And we’re serious people when it comes to people’s health and their lives. Yes, it mostly kills at-risk populations (the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions) but it also kills perfectly healthy people with no prior diagnoses and we don’t know why. I’m so tired of people acting like there’s information that’s being cooked up or withheld. You know why there’s lots of gaps in the information? Because we’re still learning about this virus every day. It’s new. It’s never been seen. How it acts, how it spreads, why it does the things it does is all new and we’re learning on the fly. Stop mistaking genuine lack of information for misinformation or withheld information.

The numbers: this one sticks in my craw like no other. “I heard they didn’t die from COVID-19, they died from a heart attack but they were positive so they called it COVID-19 to boost the numbers and scare people.” Stop. It. You know how many people died specifically from AIDS? Zero. AIDS patients die from pneumonia or some other illness normal, healthy people fight off because the AIDS virus destroyed their immune system and they couldn’t fight off the infection. But at the heart of it, they died because of AIDS. The coronavirus attacks the respiratory system. The respiratory system is, in case you didn’t know, pretty important to sustaining life. It also has a huge impact on how other organ systems, like the heart, work. Guess what, when your lungs don’t work because they’ve basically filled with brick mortar because the virus is attacking them, that puts a bit of a strain on your ticker and very well can cause it to fail. So unless you have a basic understanding of or want to understand how interconnected organ systems are and how the body fundamentally functions: stop.

I think I can speak for a lot of medical professionals when I say, we don’t mean to be arrogant, we don’t mean to be jerks, but damn it, this bullshit is frustrating and yes, we’re going to clap back to ignorance. Ignorance is not something to be flaunted and there is a difference between ignorance and stupidity. Ignorance is being uninformed. Stop being willfully ignorant and even reveling in it because it doesn’t fit your preconceived narrative or opinion. Even worse, stop pretending you’re not ignorant because you watched some damn YouTube video or read some op-ed piece. That’s someone’s opinion, normally based on nothing. NOTHING. No research. That’s not information. That’s not factual. That’s not based in science. It’s click-bait with the sole intention of riling you up and getting you to let your guard down. And instead of being pissed at the virus that’s causing all this, it’s to direct your anger at the government or doctors or anywhere else their agenda wants it directed.

Medical people are fired up for a couple reasons. 1 month ago, we were all heroes and putting our lives on the line because this was dangerous stuff. Well, I think I can speak for most of us when I say we aren’t heroic, we’re just doing our job. But guess what, we’re still doing the same damn thing we were doing a month ago and this crap still hasn’t gone away but now we’re “just trying to scare people” because “it’s really no big deal.” We aren’t looking for a pat on the back or even a thank you, we just want you to do what we all need to do to stop this thing and avoid the spread. Listen, if you think that my big fat ass enjoys sweating like a whore in church in an isolation gown, walking around like Mr Magoo because my glasses are fogged up because of my mask, and wearing goggles that dig into the backs of my ears because I’m “just a sheep,” you are mistaken. It’s because I don’t want this virus and I don’t want to take it home to my family and I don’t want to infect my co-workers and other patients. We’re fired up because we’ve seen and even performed intubations. We don’t intubate for funsies. Outside of the surgical setting, an intubation is basically throwing a Hail Mary to save someone’s life. And when the mortality rate once that plastic tube slides between your vocal cords with COVID-19 is 85-89%, yeah, that’s terrifying. This virus is dangerous.

Lastly, stop being spoiled children about public health advisories. Stop bitching about wearing a mask when you’re in public places. Stop pretending that that is somehow infringing on your rights. Get over yourself. I wish all businesses would grow a pair and refuse service to people who refuse to wear a mask “out of principle.” Police aren’t inclined to enforce it and that’s fine but, spoiler alert, private businesses have and reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Don’t tell me it’s ok for a bakery to refuse service to a gay couple for a wedding cake on religious grounds but not ok for a convenience store to refuse service because they don’t want the outbreak monkey strolling through their place coughing all over other patrons and their staff. Stay outside the 6ft bubble, wear a damn mask, and wash your hands. It’s that easy. Stop pretending they’re asking for a kidney. It’s as much to protect yourself as it is everyone else. People wonder why we have things like stay-at-home orders and closing of non-essential businesses. It’s because of you, jackass, you’re the problem. It’s your lack of ability to exercise common sense and your refusal to follow simple, insanely simple advice that forces the government to exercise it for you. And even then, you still thumb your nose at it in all your ignorant glory. Sorry that you feel like they’re infringing on your right to be an irresponsible child.

Look, all I’m saying is I get that it’s frustrating and I get that it’s irritating, and inconvenient and all the other bad things that it is, but please, continue to take this seriously, continue to do the little things that make a big difference. Stop denying facts, science, and the advice from people who have spent a lifetime doing what they do in the medical and research fields to ultimately make everyone’s lives healthier, safer, and better.

I’m done with my soap box now. "

#washyourhands #wearamask


I appreciate y'all reading this.

espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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Post by ferret Thu May 14, 2020 8:18 am

Thank you Espiritu!!!
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Post by ComputerGuy Thu May 14, 2020 8:43 am

Normally, I won't read something that starts "if you don’t like it, I honestly don’t care". However, this should be required reading for TOB crowd of disbelievers. As in, A Clockwork Orange where they clamp your eyes open to forcefeed you information.
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Post by Zedinmexico Thu May 14, 2020 12:02 pm

I posted it on the other board. Think the Lord will allow it? I don't know and I don't care.

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Post by mudgirl Thu May 14, 2020 12:56 pm

Excellent. Thank you for sharing that here.

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Post by espíritu del lago Thu May 14, 2020 1:32 pm

Yes thank you!
espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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Post by Trailrunner Thu May 14, 2020 3:27 pm

Thank you, Espiritu! Good rant.
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Post by espíritu del lago Thu May 14, 2020 5:02 pm

I just picture the long day at work, just fed up and just calling it as you see it! It needed to be said..
espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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Post by lakeside7 Thu May 14, 2020 5:41 pm

Well I wonder if all this outpouring of affection and need for recognition will carrying over when the crisis is over

What comes to mind is the similar super dedication the firemen rescue personnel did during 9/11

Now fast forward..... many of them have been denied compensation, etc for the damage caused to their bodies...How quickly we forget

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Post by espíritu del lago Thu May 14, 2020 9:28 pm

Isn't that the truth.
espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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Post by ferret Thu May 14, 2020 9:31 pm

And this post, put on TOB by Zed, has now been closed. I guess it was the MANY likes and thanks that bothered Mainecoons.

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Post by mudgirl Thu May 14, 2020 9:43 pm

ferret wrote:And this post, put on TOB by Zed, has now been closed. I guess it was the MANY likes and thanks that bothered Mainecoons.

And that I pulled this quote out of the letter "Stop being willfully ignorant and even reveling in it because it doesn’t fit your preconceived narrative or opinion." after MC and HookemHorns countered the letter with their usual denials, me saying they were exactly the people she was talking about. (I'm still not banned yet, so I'm milking it) He deleted my post and closed the thread.

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Post by Sorn Fri May 15, 2020 12:29 am

I very much appreciate the potential risks which people like this expose themselves on a daily basis; which makes it all the more painful when they are targeted for violence precisely because of their position. Man, keep your head up. Not sure how you do it.


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Post by Zedinmexico Fri May 15, 2020 7:34 am

Zedinmexico wrote:I posted it on the other board.  Think the Lord will allow it?   I don't know and I don't care.

Well his majesty the knower of all truths decided to lock the post. He just couldn't let it run. I should not have bothered.

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Post by CanuckBob Fri May 15, 2020 8:37 am

Which post was it? Is it still there?

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Post by Lady Otter Latté Fri May 15, 2020 8:46 am

CanuckBob wrote:Which post was it? Is it still there?

The thread is “Message from a frustrated nurse.” Not only did MC lock the thread he promised to lock future threads like it. Here is one of his famous getting the last word closures.
“This is one of those unending debates that doesn't end and causes some to denigrate anyone who dares disagree or suggests that opinion is not the same as fact.  Thanks to the OP for posting it, read it and make up your own minds.  No need to start another one of these circular debates that turn personal over an opinion piece.  Closed.”

It is MC’s version of stomping out of the press briefing when you realize you are losing against the female reporters who you are unable to shut up.

Last edited by Lady Otter Latté on Fri May 15, 2020 8:52 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Writing post before having coffee.)
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Post by CanuckBob Fri May 15, 2020 9:02 am

Hahahah........classic MC.

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