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Reopening protocols for restaurants.

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Reopening protocols for restaurants. Empty Reopening protocols for restaurants.

Post by CanuckBob Mon May 18, 2020 7:48 pm

And I imagine bars that sell food.

Presidente Municipal Moy Anaya held a videoconference clarifying FASE 0 and stressed three main points. (He will post this on social media later today.)
1. Filtros sanitarios—health checkpoints—will continue, intensified.
His priority is the health of the people of the municipality of Chapala; he is not permitting tourists to enter and risk our health.
2. Regarding Fase 0 from Jalisco Governor Alfaro
Many people were under the illusion/confusion that businesses could reopen on May 18. Only the protocols to allow your business to reopen begin today, and run through 31 May.
NO BUSINESS REOPENINGS IN FASE 0. (My note: except restaurants, point 3, below.)
The municipality will continue to support local businesses until they receive the protocols/permissions to accredit and reopen business. To do this, he will have available personnel from the economic promotion tourism board to work side-by-side with businesses so they can get required certifications.
Moy understands there was confusion, but today only begin the protocols to be able to open in the future. The Chapala government is here to support local businesses.
3. Restaurants can reopen dine-in service today at 35% capacity TO LOCALS ONLY. Why only restaurants? Because the governor gave approval for them to open statewide and, since we’ve had 0 confirmed cases in our municipality, we find the protocols and preventative measures of sanitization, hand sanitizer, Sana Distancia requirements sufficient to hopefully will allow restaurateurs and staff to begin to get some income. Moy reiterates:: this is for LOCALS ONLY, as of today, following all health guidelines, 35% occupancy, and is not for tourists or outsiders, who will not be permitted to dine in-restaurant. It is for help locals gradually reactivate the economy to new normality.
Warning to restaurants: If you open as of today, be aware of these measures and respect what we are authorizing. Any restaurant that does not follow these measures will IMMEDIATELY BE CLOSED.
We are in a local and worldwide health as well as an economic crisis, so we are taking measures to carefully reopen, yet maintain the health protocols.

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Reopening protocols for restaurants. Empty Re: Reopening protocols for restaurants.

Post by MexicoPete Mon May 18, 2020 8:30 pm

Yes, I went to a restaurant today for lunch. in one corner was a stack of tables and chairs that were taken away for better spacing of the remaining tables and chairs. And because so few folks were out and about, for the first 5 minutes there were 3 of us in this large restaurant and after that, only me. The staff was also much less than usual.  But they seemed to be following every regulation that I knew.

The best thing is that I didn't have to cook for myself.

Last edited by MexicoPete on Mon May 18, 2020 8:46 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spelling error)
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Reopening protocols for restaurants. Empty Re: Reopening protocols for restaurants.

Post by CanuckBob Mon May 18, 2020 8:43 pm

Allowing restaurants to open but not other small businesses is ridiculous. You can't wear a mask in a restaurant. Why not allow the bars. I hope businesses revolt and tell the mayor to stuff it. He's making stupid decisions now..........I happen to know a few of his close confidents own restaurants.

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Reopening protocols for restaurants. Empty Re: Reopening protocols for restaurants.

Post by cypress Mon May 18, 2020 8:56 pm

CanuckBob wrote:Allowing restaurants to open but not other small businesses is ridiculous. You can't wear a mask in a restaurant. Why not allow the bars. I hope businesses revolt and tell the mayor to stuff it. He's making stupid decisions now..........I happen to know a few of his close confidents own restaurants.

It is bizarre.

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Reopening protocols for restaurants. Empty Re: Reopening protocols for restaurants.

Post by artsnob Mon May 18, 2020 10:06 pm

Maybe they could be open behind closed doors, kind of like a speak easy..

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Reopening protocols for restaurants. Empty Re: Reopening protocols for restaurants.

Post by CanuckBob Tue May 19, 2020 9:49 am

I know at least one bar that has been doing that since the beginning.

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Reopening protocols for restaurants. Empty Re: Reopening protocols for restaurants.

Post by artsnob Tue May 19, 2020 10:45 am

David’s and El Jarden are now open in Ajijic

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Reopening protocols for restaurants. Empty Re: Reopening protocols for restaurants.

Post by Zedinmexico Tue May 19, 2020 3:16 pm

artsnob wrote:David’s and El Jarden are now open in Ajijic

And Black and White coffee shop on the plaza are open and have tables and chairs well spaced out.

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