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The Ranch Donation Site

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The Ranch Donation Site Empty The Ranch Donation Site

Post by ferret Mon May 25, 2020 10:16 am

Hopefully the heading will capture someone's attention.
You have a glitch in your donation section. I have now tried to donate money SEVEN times with my Canadian Credit Card. The site will NOT let me without filling in info for PayPal... and I absolutely do not want anything to do with PayPal.

Trust me when I say I clicked on the correct payment option. This is a major problem for you and continuing donations if not fixed. PLEASE!!!!
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The Ranch Donation Site Empty Re: The Ranch Donation Site

Post by CanuckBob Mon May 25, 2020 10:19 am

Personally I think Paypal is safer than using a credit card.

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The Ranch Donation Site Empty Re: The Ranch Donation Site

Post by ferret Mon May 25, 2020 10:32 am

That is not the point. I have simplified my life considerably and do not want something else to complicate it when all I want to do is make a donation.
It's a glitch and should be fixed.
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The Ranch Donation Site Empty Re: The Ranch Donation Site

Post by Trailrunner Mon May 25, 2020 10:44 am

I'll pas your post on to a friend who co-manages the ranch.

BTW, there is currently a donation match program happening so lets get your donation in.

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The Ranch Donation Site Empty Re: The Ranch Donation Site

Post by ferret Mon May 25, 2020 11:12 am

I know and that's one of the reasons why I've tried it so many times on different occasions.

Thanks TR! I have another friend who is also passing on the information.
Being on a time out from TOB is hampering my connection with the correct people because I can't send or receive pm's either.
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The Ranch Donation Site Empty Re: The Ranch Donation Site

Post by CanuckBob Mon May 25, 2020 11:26 am

Loony Coons will be happy to hear that!!!

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The Ranch Donation Site Empty Re: The Ranch Donation Site

Post by Trailrunner Mon May 25, 2020 11:30 am

Hah! Really.

Ferret, she said they are having problems with Canadian credit cards. I am very happy to swing by your house and pick your donation up and take it to her. Tomorrow?
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The Ranch Donation Site Empty Re: The Ranch Donation Site

Post by ferret Mon May 25, 2020 11:40 am

Thanks TR but I have someone else coming tomorrow that will get my donation to them... I will give her the money and she will make the donation (along with hers) via her paypal account. She was coming here anyway to pick up a Parmesan cheese grater.

This was the response she got from her contact...
"I am so very sorry but we have no other way to accept a Canadian credit card other than PayPal. We have tried but have not been able to find a way.

Carolyn "

On the subject of Parmesan cheese, I have been buying the real deal (to avoid the additives in other varieties) and cube it, bag it and put it in the freezer. I put the frozen cubes in my Parmesan cheese grater and it works better than using it on fresh cubes. I have two graters, so she's getting one of 'em.
Woohoo... more room in the drawer.

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The Ranch Donation Site Empty Re: The Ranch Donation Site

Post by Trailrunner Mon May 25, 2020 12:03 pm

Ok, that's good.
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The Ranch Donation Site Empty Re: The Ranch Donation Site

Post by Rosa Venus Mon May 25, 2020 1:59 pm

Ferret, I'm going to see Carolyn tomorrow night so if you need me to get your donation to her I'm happy to do it.
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The Ranch Donation Site Empty Re: The Ranch Donation Site

Post by SunFan Mon May 25, 2020 2:26 pm

CanuckBob wrote:Personally I think Paypal is safer than using a credit card.
I got one of those email notices from PayPal about 4 months advising me of their "changes in service policy". I must have been bored because I actually read the changes.

Buried in the text was a notice that their charge for currency exchange in PayPal payments was rising to 8%. Did anyone else notice this?

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The Ranch Donation Site Empty Re: The Ranch Donation Site

Post by CanuckBob Mon May 25, 2020 3:08 pm

You can set the currency to whatever you want. I haven't seen any 8% charge and I just took a paypal payment a couple of weeks ago.

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The Ranch Donation Site Empty Re: The Ranch Donation Site

Post by SunFan Mon May 25, 2020 8:20 pm

CanuckBob wrote:You can set the currency to whatever you want. I haven't seen any 8% charge and I just took a paypal payment a couple of weeks ago.
I wasn't being clear.

The 8% was for your payment if its in a different currency from your account, say you're paying in USD out of a Canadian account.

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The Ranch Donation Site Empty Re: The Ranch Donation Site

Post by CanuckBob Mon May 25, 2020 8:23 pm

Well this was from an Italian account. Maybe he got dinged the 8%. He didn't say anything about it. Or maybe that 8% is for business accounts? I use PayPal for almost everything I can but never received an email. I have used it to buy things off Mexican websites and it is connected to my Canadian bank.......strange.

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The Ranch Donation Site Empty Re: The Ranch Donation Site

Post by SunFan Mon May 25, 2020 8:28 pm

CanuckBob wrote:Well this was from an Italian account. Maybe he got dinged the 8%. He didn't say anything about it. Or maybe that 8% is for business accounts? I use PayPal for almost everything I can but never received an email. I have used it to buy things off Mexican websites and it is connected to my Canadian bank.......strange.
Hey what's 8% anyways when you're already using a sixty-five cent dollar! razberry 

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The Ranch Donation Site Empty Re: The Ranch Donation Site

Post by ferret Mon May 25, 2020 10:05 pm

You could look at it another way and say that the U.S. is using an inflated $1.35 dollar. Just depends on your point of view. Whatever....

I don't use PayPal because they've been hacked more than once. 'Nuff said?
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The Ranch Donation Site Empty Re: The Ranch Donation Site

Post by ferret Tue May 26, 2020 10:07 am

Thanks to Rosa Venus and Trailrunner who offered help. My donation was just picked up by my friend who will use her PayPal account to get it to the Ranch.
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