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ATM Withdrawal without card

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ATM Withdrawal without card Empty ATM Withdrawal without card

Post by Plan B Sat Jun 13, 2020 2:52 pm

Is it possible to withdraw cash from an ATM using the card # and PIN#, i.e. not using the actual card?

A screen did appear on the ATM that had these fields; after it allowed me to put my card in, and THEN display DO NOT PUT CARD IN.
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ATM Withdrawal without card Empty Re: ATM Withdrawal without card

Post by Intercasa Sat Jun 13, 2020 4:19 pm

Yes it is, you may use online banking to send someone a code good for 24 hours to get money out of an ATM. I had someone send me money that way at Bancomer.
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ATM Withdrawal without card Empty Re: ATM Withdrawal without card

Post by ComputerGuy Sat Jun 13, 2020 7:32 pm

And how did you get the money out of the ATM?
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ATM Withdrawal without card Empty Re: ATM Withdrawal without card

Post by Plan B Sun Jun 14, 2020 10:27 am

ComputerGuy wrote:And how did you get the money out of the ATM?

It did not return the card and I did not receive any cash. I didn't memorize my bank card. The card has been destroyed as per Scotiabank, and a new card will be issued. I would appreciate if there was a key sequence to allow the entry of the card# and pin, therefore not requiring the use of the actual card. I prefer the card swipe rather than the card having to be placed into the machine, with the possibility of losing the card, as happened here.
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ATM Withdrawal without card Empty Re: ATM Withdrawal without card

Post by ComputerGuy Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:38 am

While I agree that would be great, I'm referring to Intercasa's comment "you may use online banking to send someone a code good for 24 hours to get money out of an ATM". I want to know if that is actually possible: that is, no card needed to get money out. If it was possible, I'd send myself a code every time I needed money and never have to use the card. But I've never heard of such a thing.
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ATM Withdrawal without card Empty Re: ATM Withdrawal without card

Post by Plan B Sun Jun 14, 2020 3:04 pm

ComputerGuy wrote:While I agree that would be great, I'm referring to Intercasa's comment "you may use online banking to send someone a code good for 24 hours to get money out of an ATM". I want to know if that is actually possible: that is, no card needed to get money out. If it was possible, I'd send myself a code every time I needed money and never have to use the card. But I've never heard of such a thing.

BBVA app does have the feature to use the phone to access the ATM without the card.
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