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Shooting in San Antonio

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Shooting in San Antonio Empty Shooting in San Antonio

Post by karjoeaz Wed Dec 09, 2020 10:27 am

I am concerned as to the absence of comment on the murder of the restaurant owner of Charlotte's El Fogon last week. Anyone with opinions?

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Shooting in San Antonio Empty Re: Shooting in San Antonio

Post by ferret Wed Dec 09, 2020 10:50 am

Read the crime section of this forum.
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Shooting in San Antonio Empty Re: Shooting in San Antonio

Post by Gamina Wed Dec 09, 2020 4:24 pm

There have been tons of comments, a local charity drive for his widow and child, and vigil last week at the restaurant and tons of people at the funeral. Where have you been?
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Shooting in San Antonio Empty Re: Shooting in San Antonio

Post by slainte39 Wed Dec 09, 2020 5:28 pm

karjoeaz wrote:I am concerned as to the absence of comment on the murder of the restaurant owner of Charlotte's El Fogon last week. Anyone with opinions?

You must live in a really isolated environment as I live in SAT and that is the number one topic of discussion with most of the people I see and talk to, business owners and residents, both.

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Shooting in San Antonio Empty Re: Shooting in San Antonio

Post by dichosalocura Wed Dec 09, 2020 9:23 pm

No need to be so condescending and mean. Not everyone is on the streets daily (especially with Covid) or reads the forums every single day.

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Shooting in San Antonio Empty Re: Shooting in San Antonio

Post by slainte39 Wed Dec 09, 2020 10:56 pm

dichosalocura wrote:No need to be so condescending  and mean.  Not everyone is on the streets daily (especially with Covid) or reads the forums every single day.

Not trying to be condescending and mean, but to say there is an absence of comments of this horrific crime is just not true for most people.  I can´t imagine anyone locally in SAT who hasn´t talked this thing over a million times.
I am concerned that anyone can or could escape being involved in conversation about this event.  In my world, it was no. 1.  My family, friends, and acquaintances are not on the streets or the forums either but they have telephones and internet. If you are not communicating with anyone, then of course, you won´t hear or see anything.
The victim had been to my house many times.

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Shooting in San Antonio Empty Re: Shooting in San Antonio

Post by Intercasa Thu Dec 10, 2020 9:42 am

What comments are you looking for? Was it a gang initiation where they just went to a random place and whacked somebody? Did the guy have it coming for borrowing from loan sharks? Was it for refusing to be extorted by organized crime? Why does nobody in Mexico have health insurance or plan for death except for old gringos? Why is Mexico such a violent place where they can kill you if you are lucky and if not kidnap you and torture you for weeks or months and then stick your body in a mass grave like the one they found in El Salto a few miles away with over 130 bodies in it. Why are the authorities silent and dont care (until it happens to their family of friends)? Why do the locals accept the money from violent narco terrorists all the time and then whine when there is another violent act?
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Shooting in San Antonio Empty Re: Shooting in San Antonio

Post by Lady Otter Latté Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:47 pm

Intercasa wrote:What comments are you looking for?  Was it a gang initiation where they just went to a random place and whacked somebody?  Did the guy have it coming for borrowing from loan sharks?  Was it for refusing to be extorted by organized crime?  Why does nobody in Mexico have health insurance or plan for death except for old gringos?  Why is Mexico such a violent place where they can kill you if you are lucky and if not kidnap you and torture you for weeks or months and then stick your body in a mass grave like the one they found in El Salto a few miles away with over 130 bodies in it.  Why are the authorities silent and dont care (until it happens to their family of friends)?  Why do the locals accept the money from violent narco terrorists all the time and then whine when there is another violent act?

Yes. That has been part of discussions all over lakeside as it so often is. I guess the OP speaks to no one and reads nothing anywhere. That’s fine, but then don’t wonder why (or be disturbed) because “no one is commenting on it.” That is neither mean nor condescending. It is honestly responding to the OP.
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Shooting in San Antonio Empty Re: Shooting in San Antonio

Post by slainte39 Thu Dec 10, 2020 5:18 pm

The only other explanation is that the OP lives in a bubble populated by like minded people.  No crime, or nothing wrong with that, except you can draw the wrong conclusions as was done by this thread.
What you said Lady Otter.......

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Shooting in San Antonio Empty Re: Shooting in San Antonio

Post by brigitte Fri Dec 11, 2020 1:22 pm

I do not live in a bubble and very few people have mentioned the crime to me. One with a theory different that the ones mentioned here and my maid also told me a version but without the reasons, outside of the two cases , I heard nothing.

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Shooting in San Antonio Empty Re: Shooting in San Antonio

Post by mudgirl Fri Dec 11, 2020 4:52 pm

Maybe it depends on the company one keeps. Some people have nothing better to do than gossip about the latest thing they heard, the more scandalous the better. Others feel that if it doesn't personally involve them and they don't personally know the parties involved, it's none of their business to gossip about.

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Shooting in San Antonio Empty Re: Shooting in San Antonio

Post by brigitte Fri Dec 11, 2020 6:22 pm

I liked the family and bought their chiles en nogada many times. What happened was very sad and I feel terrible about it but the reasons are none of my business, no matter what it was a terrible thing to have happened in front of his wife and daughter..After that have no comment because, I know nothing besides the rumors that are not worth repeating.

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Shooting in San Antonio Empty Re: Shooting in San Antonio

Post by slainte39 Fri Dec 11, 2020 9:11 pm

The OP was concerned about "the absence of comments" i.e. I suppose, also includes, rumors.

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