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Substitutes for NyQuil

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Substitutes for NyQuil Empty Substitutes for NyQuil

Post by ComputerGuy Tue Apr 27, 2021 9:39 am

Hard to believe I managed to pick up a cold last week, considering all the masking, distancing, washing up, and so on. I have long used DayQuil and NyQuil to ease the symptoms. They just work really well for me. While there supposedily is a Mexican version, I haven't been able to find it, and we can really no longer get things shipped in from Amazon using Alex Peterson.

Is it just me or is it a thing with Mexicans that they just suffer through a cold and the grippe? Because what you find on the pharmacy shelves are simply a lot of herbal cough syrups, candy masquerading as cough drops, and some perhaps childrens' liquids.

Has anyone found a good cold medicine like NyQuil? And yes, I'm aware I can purchase a grouping of products that are "equivalent" to the ingredients, but believe me, I've tried them and they just don't do the same job.
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Substitutes for NyQuil Empty Re: Substitutes for NyQuil

Post by ferret Tue Apr 27, 2021 9:58 am

You should know that Nyquil original is not recommended for people with high blood pressure. That said, Nyquil HPB is not available on Mercado Libre but ordinary Nyquil is...[A]
I used to give my hubby Coricidin HPB for the same symptoms but I don't know if it's available locally. It is available on Mercado Libre...[A]
Maybe phone Farmacia Maskaras and see if they stock the Coricidin HPB?
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Substitutes for NyQuil Empty Re: Substitutes for NyQuil

Post by ComputerGuy Tue Apr 27, 2021 10:05 am

Thanks. I will check. But for sure I will not be buying $7US bottles of medicine for 840p minimum. I did check all the online sites first, and have, many times. Amazon Mex has 3 bottles for 1500p, but that is still an astronomical price to me.
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Substitutes for NyQuil Empty Re: Substitutes for NyQuil

Post by ferret Tue Apr 27, 2021 10:30 am

Totally agree on the pricing but I'm not the one suffering with a cold. If it's mostly a head cold, then put a blob of Vicks Vaporub in a large bowl, pour boiling water on it and stick your face over it with a towel over the whole set up... and breathe in.
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Substitutes for NyQuil Empty Re: Substitutes for NyQuil

Post by ComputerGuy Tue Apr 27, 2021 1:13 pm

Thanks, but at 68 I've figured out my own remedies. I'm just looking for what I'm looking for.
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Substitutes for NyQuil Empty Re: Substitutes for NyQuil

Post by LoveSouth Wed Jun 23, 2021 4:42 am

Sorry for this late reply, Mike, Walmart has recently begun stocking NyQuilZ with good old-fashioned diphenhydramine as the main ingredient. It’ll knock you flat, but those pesky cold symptoms? GONE! BTW, did you ever manage to find your beloved NyQuil locally or online for an acceptable price?


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Substitutes for NyQuil Empty Re: Substitutes for NyQuil

Post by ComputerGuy Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:47 am

Thanks, LoveSouth. Good to know. I found some alternatives locally, but I won't know their effectiveness until I get my next cold, lol. I find the Nyquil capsules not nearly as effective, for some reason. But I haven't tried the Z, although I suspect it's the same with the added ingredient. But if it works for you, it might work for me.

I did not find NyQuil locally or online other than, that could be considered affordable. $900 pesos and up on mercadolibre. Not available from (an import, and they don't seem to do a variety of meds). I was lucky enough to get one last delivery from Alex before he finished that part of his business.
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Substitutes for NyQuil Empty Re: Substitutes for NyQuil

Post by Fishcake Sat Jul 17, 2021 9:09 am

ComputerGuy wrote:Thanks, LoveSouth. Good to know. I found some alternatives locally, but I won't know their effectiveness until I get my next cold, lol. I find the Nyquil capsules not nearly as effective, for some reason. But I haven't tried the Z, although I suspect it's the same with the added ingredient. But if it works for you, it might work for me.

I did not find NyQuil locally or online other than, that could be considered affordable. $900 pesos and up on mercadolibre. Not available from (an import, and they don't seem to do a variety of meds). I was lucky enough to get one last delivery from Alex before he finished that part of his business.

Nyquil is Difenhidramina.  Available at Farmacia Maskaras in either 25mg or 50mg.  100 capsuls $120 pesos.  Right hand isle of the store.
Vicnite Dif on the left & Nyquil on right side. My Dr prescribed 50 mg & to take 2 at night for bad allergy. Makes you sleepy

Last edited by Fishcake on Sat Jul 17, 2021 9:10 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : additional info)


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