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Vehicle Emission Testing

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Vehicle Emission Testing Empty Vehicle Emission Testing

Post by Plan B Wed Aug 18, 2021 9:55 am

What is the current situation with Emission Testing?
Plan B
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Vehicle Emission Testing Empty Re: Vehicle Emission Testing

Post by Zedinmexico Wed Aug 18, 2021 10:29 am

You are asking for a black and white answer and none exists.  Basically the Guad reporter said if you drive a lot in Guad you should get your car tested but if you don't don't worry about it.  They only have 12 machines in Guad. People have reported impossible to get appointments.  No penalty for a year anyway.  So as they say in New York "Forget about it" for the time being.

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Vehicle Emission Testing Empty Re: Vehicle Emission Testing

Post by Plan B Wed Aug 18, 2021 11:18 am

Zedinmexico wrote:You are asking for a black and white answer and none exists.  Basically the Guad reporter said if you drive a lot in Guad you should get your car tested but if you don't don't worry about it.  They only have 12 machines in Guad. People have reported impossible to get appointments.  No penalty for a year anyway.  So as they say in New York "Forget about it" for the time being.

I suspect the "authorities" have prepared the table before the meal has been made.
Plan B
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Vehicle Emission Testing Empty Re: Vehicle Emission Testing

Post by Heem Wed Aug 18, 2021 6:11 pm

I suspect the "authorities" have prepared the table before the meal has been made.

Been made? I do not think it has been planned.

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Vehicle Emission Testing Empty Re: Vehicle Emission Testing

Post by Sherman Tue Aug 24, 2021 2:07 pm

Has anyone see this??????
If so, please comment. I hope Spencer sees this ...
I realize emissions is State.... not city.

Does this process get us anywhere?

Thanks ....

If you live outside of the Guadalajara ZMG (which we do) and spend fewer than 20 days per month in Guadalajara, you gan get a "day pass" that will keep you from getting a ticket for not having smog certification.

Here is how to do it:

The "Verificion Responsable" Smog sticker is available for ALL vehicles spending LESS THAN 20 DAYS in Guadalajara EVERY 6 MONTHS.
*We use Google Chrome's in browser TRANSLATE option to assist us*
1. First go to the link:
2. Click the 3rd and last option: Temporary stay pass "Pase de estancia temporal"
3. Enter your email, check your email and insert verification code. You're taken to the temporary stay pass information entry page. It let's you know how many days you have remaining within the 6 month semester.
4. Enter your personal information and vehicle information. Everything is pretty straightforward. The only challenge we can across was country of origin (put where you think the vehicle was manufactured.) And the request for the tarjeta de circulación number (literally circulation card but better understood as the registration card. This isn't necessarily applicable to foreign plated cars so we redundantly entered our license plate number. Also we found limited options under the "Model" field and just selected the brand.
5. Select the day(s) on the calendar you'll be in Guadalajara. Click generate pass. A pop-up will appear with the green format button. Click to download pdf of temp pass. On our Google device, the green button showed a working sign and then remained the same. We had to go to our device downloads to find and open the pdf pass to print.
6. Tape your temporary pass to your window (doesn't say which one. We recommend your passenger side windshield or driver's side rear window.)
Next visit? No problem! Go back to the link, enter your email and the new verification code and your info is saved in the template.
If you found this instructional helpful, please share this Pat's Plates post and like our page

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Vehicle Emission Testing Empty Re: Vehicle Emission Testing

Post by ComputerGuy Tue Aug 24, 2021 5:17 pm

Ignore it all. Trust me, we will ALL know when anything changes around here, in a heartbeat.
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Vehicle Emission Testing Empty Re: Vehicle Emission Testing

Post by Sherman Tue Aug 24, 2021 7:12 pm


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Vehicle Emission Testing Empty Re: Vehicle Emission Testing

Post by Plan B Wed Aug 25, 2021 11:03 am

Zedinmexico wrote:You are asking for a black and white answer and none exists.  Basically the Guad reporter said if you drive a lot in Guad you should get your car tested but if you don't don't worry about it.  They only have 12 machines in Guad. People have reported impossible to get appointments.  No penalty for a year anyway.  So as they say in New York "Forget about it" for the time being.

There is no fines till 2022, however impounding the vehicle is a possibility.
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