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Import Liquor into Mexico

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Import Liquor into Mexico Empty Import Liquor into Mexico

Post by Bill Phillips Thu Jan 27, 2022 12:24 pm

How much liquor can be legally brought into Mexico?
Bill Phillips
Bill Phillips
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Location : Trent Lakes Ont. in the summer - Puerta Arroyo in the winter

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Import Liquor into Mexico Empty Re: Import Liquor into Mexico

Post by ferret Thu Jan 27, 2022 12:59 pm

Is it something you can't buy here? When we crossed into Mexico in late April of '96, my hubby wanted to stock up on Canadian Club Rye. I asked him why he would do that because it was ridiculously expensive here and he wouldn't be getting any more anyway. He switched to gin. Now, years later, Canadian club is coming down by the tanker truck and is bottled in Guadalajara. Brand name is Grand Grizzly.
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Import Liquor into Mexico Empty Re: Import Liquor into Mexico

Post by Bill Phillips Thu Jan 27, 2022 1:06 pm

ferret wrote:Is it something you can't buy here? When we crossed into Mexico in late April of '96, my hubby wanted to stock up on Canadian Club Rye. I asked him why he would do that because it was ridiculously expensive here and he wouldn't be getting any more anyway. He switched to gin. Now, years later, Canadian club is coming down by the tanker truck and is bottled in Guadalajara. Brand name is Grand Grizzly.
It's for a friend.... He would like Crown Royal and it is very difficult to find here in Lakeside.
Bill Phillips
Bill Phillips
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Import Liquor into Mexico Empty Re: Import Liquor into Mexico

Post by ferret Thu Jan 27, 2022 1:18 pm

Then you're a very good friend!
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Import Liquor into Mexico Empty Re: Import Liquor into Mexico

Post by caligirl108 Fri Jan 28, 2022 2:00 pm

I brought a whole shitload of chardonnay once when I drove down.. you cannot get decent stuff here. I found one I like but have to drive to Fresko to get it as Paz & Pancho's just want to stock high dollar ones. It is all twice the price of HEB, but it is probably duty.

As long as the car is tightly packed & things start to fall out when they try to do their inspection, you are good to go. I think they are starting to X-ray more, so if it is more than a case, you might need mordida. At least at the Columbia crossing, its easier for them, they use their expensive equipment & likely find what they are looking for when it occurs. Lots of nice Shepards there now..

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