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Kudos to STI Solar Technology

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Kudos to STI Solar Technology Empty Kudos to STI Solar Technology

Post by BisbeeGal Sat Mar 12, 2022 2:21 pm

From 2008 thru 2019, we spent the hot months from mid-April to mid-June either on vacation or at our US home or typically a combination of both.

We no longer have a US house and covid put a damper on our travels, so we decided to get an a/c split for our bedroom this year.

Contacted STI and got estimates on both the split (with heat for winter) and supplementing our solar panels; they installed our original panels in 2017 and we were pleased with that experience.

Fast and painless installations; they did both the split and new panels in just one day. Crew and supervisor are easy to work with, clean up after themselves before they leave.

The new solar panels are more powerful than the older set; we can see online how they are killing it with KWH's.

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Kudos to STI Solar Technology Empty Re: Kudos to STI Solar Technology

Post by dvinton Sun Mar 13, 2022 10:50 am

Last fall, STI installed solar electric and hot water systems as part of our whole casa remodel. Excellent sales and installation experiences. The systems were properly sized and have performed flawlessly.

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