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Just a reminder

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Just a reminder Empty Just a reminder

Post by CanuckBob Sat May 21, 2022 8:11 am

To never call the police to attend the scene of someone who has passed away, unless of course, foul play is suspected. The police attended the scene of a friend who recently passed away. They were called by the Red Cross, who also attended the scene, because the deceased person lived across the street from the Red Cross and his sister, who found him, ran over to tell them. Anyhow, when the police arrived they told the sister that if she paid them $5000 mxn they would not have to "investigate". She called me and I told her not to pay a dime and to tell them she was calling her lawyer. She told them and they subsequently stopped asking and became quite friendly and helpful.........

Also, as a side note, the attending doctor said that if you go are going to enter someone's house (because you suspect something is wrong) always be sure to have a least two witnesses with you.

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Just a reminder Empty Re: Just a reminder

Post by ferret Sat May 21, 2022 8:25 am

Say it again. LOUDER. This is getting to be an all too common occurrence with the Red Cross and the Police. Shenanigans galore.
Good point about the witnesses AND call their Doctor FIRST. If you don't have a Doctor, get one pronto if only for this purpose should it become necessary. Post important info such as this on your Fridge door. That information is important especially if you live alone.
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Just a reminder Empty Re: Just a reminder

Post by Carry Bean Sat May 21, 2022 9:00 am

I’ve also heard the police will steal items from the dead person’s home.

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Just a reminder Empty Re: Just a reminder

Post by brigitte Sat May 21, 2022 8:05 pm

Bob died after I called the Red cross but before they came in after midnight. I was lucky I finally got my neighbors to come as the doctor had not answered the call yet when Red Cross came in.

They declared my husband dead and one of the red cross medic went to the ambulance to immediately call the police.. without my knowledge. After 20 years in Mexico I know better.

I was in total shock and 5 policemen showed up in the bedroom. I said who called the cops and the guy from the Redcross told me it was the procedure.

The cops have no right to enter your house without a warrant and they do it all the time.That night two separate group entered my house without my permission or a warrant.

If someone dies suddenly call the doctor ot the funeral home DO NOT CALL THE POLICE: They will come and harass the heck out of you at best if you are lucky. I lived through a nightmare and I am still working on getting to the president in Chapala . I have a lawyer helping me but U have also gone through a nightmare of paperwork between France, and the US so I have not got to the president part yet although I finished my investigation. I asked Yoly the director of Red Cross for a tape of the guy calling thte Red Cross.. I suspect they are in cahoot but cannot prove it. I asked if red cross has a code whether it is natural death or violent death and she told me it was not up to red cross to say what kind of death it was.
It is an abuse of authority.

The municipal cops have no investigative power and do not know anything about investigation, that is the role of the ministerio publico.

They harassed me and were going to cordon off the house and were telling me my husband had bruises and were taking pictures of his body to scare me and intimidate me.. They cannot take pictures either as it is not their function and have zero to say about the cause of death , only the MP police can do that. In cases of natural death call the doctor or the funeral home..

Red cross was too busy to give me a tape...This story is not over..

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Just a reminder Empty Re: Just a reminder

Post by HarryB Tue May 24, 2022 11:05 am

So sorry Brigitte!

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Just a reminder Empty Re: Just a reminder

Post by Rosa Venus Tue May 24, 2022 12:38 pm

That is truly awful brigette. So sorry. All I can think of are profanities for those f***s.
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