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Why some people can't tell left from right

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Why some people can't tell left from right Empty Why some people can't tell left from right

Post by Plan B Fri Jan 20, 2023 9:36 am

Preventable medical mistakes frequently involve wrong-sided surgery: an injection to the wrong eye, for example, or a biopsy from the wrong breast. These "never events" – serious and largely preventable patient safety accidents – highlight that, while most of us learn as children how to tell left from right, not everyone gets it right.
Plan B
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Why some people can't tell left from right Empty Re: Why some people can't tell left from right

Post by Carry Bean Fri Jan 20, 2023 3:59 pm

Very interesting and scary as well!

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Why some people can't tell left from right Empty Re: Why some people can't tell left from right

Post by Jreboll Fri Jan 20, 2023 6:21 pm

Many surgeons will go see the patient the day before the surgery on an extremity and take the floor nurse as a witness. He then asks the patient to point out the surgical site. He marks the site with a permanent marker and verifies the following day of the surgery.

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