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Is this real?

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Is this real? Empty Is this real?

Post by Jreboll Sun Mar 19, 2023 1:24 pm

Do Mexican workers work long hours?

CNN today:
« The South Korean government was this week forced to rethink a plan that would have raised its cap on working hours to 69 per week, up from the current limit of 52, after sparking a backlash among Millennials and Generation Z workers.
Workers in the east Asian powerhouse economy already face some of the longest hours in the world – ranking fourth behind only Mexico, Costa Rica and Chile in 2021, according to the OECD – and death by overwork (“gwarosa”) is thought to kill scores of people every year. »

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Is this real? Empty Re: Is this real?

Post by BisbeeGal Sun Mar 19, 2023 1:31 pm

It's arrived at through an aggregate formula. More of an estimate than true working hours based on actual employment numbers.
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Is this real? Empty Re: Is this real?

Post by ferret Sun Mar 19, 2023 2:00 pm

Construction workers are usually on the job at 8 am and finish at 8 pm. However, they nearly always take a two hour lunch/siesta between 2 and 4.
Not sure about others like retail or restaurants since the doors being open to the public are not indicative of the work being done behind closed doors.
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Is this real? Empty Re: Is this real?

Post by CanuckBob Sun Mar 19, 2023 2:24 pm

Any workers I have had started at 8:00am and finished at 6:00pm. They took a 30 minute breakfast break and then a 1 - 2 hour siesta around 1:00pm. They also worked a half day on Saturdays.

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Is this real? Empty Re: Is this real?

Post by mudgirl Mon Mar 20, 2023 12:30 pm

Construction crews where I live usually start at 8 and knock off by 4 or 5. Half hour breakfast break, one hour lunch/siesta break. Never seen them work until 8 unless they are doing a big concrete pour and have to get it all done in the same day.

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