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Old fashioned air conditioning

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Old fashioned air conditioning Empty Old fashioned air conditioning

Post by ferret Wed Jun 14, 2023 12:51 pm

I used to have double hung, double tilt windows at our farmhouse in Ontario. How I miss them! However, I did pick up a trick further in the article which I have been doing A$$ backwards. I thought if I directed the fan to suck in air from the outside at night that it was the best way. I'll be trying the reverse tonight. All my windows get opened up at around 10 pm and closed again around 7 am thus trapping the cool air inside. Ceiling fans maintain the cool during the day.

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Old fashioned air conditioning Empty Re: Old fashioned air conditioning

Post by ferret Thu Jun 15, 2023 8:18 am

Well, that tip I picked up didn't work well for my situation. I have very large windows and the lower sill is about 2 feet from the floor. The way that I am going back to has the fan sucking in cool air from the outside at the bottom of the window while the ceiling fan shunts the hot air out the top of the window. I think this is creating a circular flow of air in the same manner that the double hung window does. Always worth it to try out something new but sometimes you just don't mess with what works.
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Old fashioned air conditioning Empty Re: Old fashioned air conditioning

Post by caligirl108 Thu Jun 15, 2023 5:19 pm

What works for me is to create an internal 'swamp cooler' by putting a wet t-shirt, damp towel or whatever on a rack & put it in front of a standing fan..Clothes dry & leave in-house air with more humidity. Room cools quickly.  Standing fan also used to exchange air @ 6 am.. I don't open any windows til shade occurs or sun goes down. Having a mini spray bottle w water & essential oils cools me!  Looks like we have at least another week of this.. Beer

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