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Recommend Christine’s for haircut.

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 Recommend Christine’s for haircut.  Empty Recommend Christine’s for haircut.

Post by sm1mex Tue Sep 05, 2023 7:24 pm

Best haircut. She knows what she is doing. 300 pesos for haircuts. She is fast and professional. Highly recommended Laguna Plaza right rear area just left to the casino.

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 Recommend Christine’s for haircut.  Empty Re: Recommend Christine’s for haircut.

Post by mudgirl Tue Sep 05, 2023 8:23 pm

Nice to find someone who cut your hair well and give them a recommendation.

However, in my experience, a hair dresser who one person may like doesn't necessarily please everyone- it depends on the type of hair you have and what you want done.

I've only encountered 2 hair dressers in my life who were capable of doing what I asked them to, so I cut my own hair. The last highly recommended hairdresser I went to did exactly what I told her not to do.
Going to a new hairdresser for me is potentially a much more traumatic experience than getting a root canal. :-)

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 Recommend Christine’s for haircut.  Empty Re: Recommend Christine’s for haircut.

Post by sm1mex Tue Sep 05, 2023 8:30 pm

Thanks. Best to stay what you are doing.

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