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need on demand hot water heater

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need on demand hot water heater Empty need on demand hot water heater

Post by sturdley Fri Dec 15, 2023 12:21 pm

I am wondering what my options are for purchasing this item locally. I am trying to avoid going to Guad.

I would also appreciate any advice on quality, etc.

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need on demand hot water heater Empty Re: need on demand hot water heater

Post by CanuckBob Fri Dec 15, 2023 3:23 pm

I usually purchase Bosche tanks. Be sure to get the proper size for the application. Plumb it as close to the source as possible, so you are not waiting 5 minutes to get hot water. Also be aware that most of them require a minimum amount of water pressure to activate. If the pressure falls below the minimum it will shut off until the pressure builds back up. My Bosche heaters require a minimum of 30 PSI so I have my pressure switch set for 30 min/50 max.

Most local suppliers can get Bosche......

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need on demand hot water heater Empty Re: need on demand hot water heater

Post by RickS Fri Dec 15, 2023 4:19 pm

Any number of local places including Ferreplomeria on the Carretera west Ajijic prior to Strom White movers, opposite side of road.

Do your homework before assuming they will work everywhere. I have never heard of a story of a regular HW heater not working but many stories of On Demand not.
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