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FYI WTF fence along Ajijic lake shore

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FYI WTF fence along Ajijic lake shore  Empty FYI WTF fence along Ajijic lake shore

Post by tombo Wed Mar 27, 2024 12:58 pm

Went for a walk along lake shore east of the malecon pier in Ajijic yesterday evening. It hadn't been more that a week since the last time I went that way, and I was gobsmacked to see a brand new chain-link fence running for several hundred meters in a straight line parallel to, and about 50 meters from the receding shore. According to Google Maps this is an area known as Parque de la Cruz. Also noticed a lot of grading down to the shoreline throwing up a long berm of dirt and rocks and grading to level the parking area just east of the pier where there are still thousands of stacked brick pavers.
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FYI WTF fence along Ajijic lake shore  Empty Re: FYI WTF fence along Ajijic lake shore

Post by CanuckBob Wed Mar 27, 2024 2:41 pm

The little chain-link fence certainly isn't to keep anyone out. It is far too short (maybe 4 feet high?). I believe they are making a park.....possibly a dog park??

The stacks of pavers are for continuation of the road upgrades. Someone said Ramon Corona is next.

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FYI WTF fence along Ajijic lake shore  Empty Re: FYI WTF fence along Ajijic lake shore

Post by BisbeeGal Thu Mar 28, 2024 9:33 am

Wondering if the fencing has to do with Semanas Santa and Pascuas? Or staging for the Passion Play??
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FYI WTF fence along Ajijic lake shore  Empty Re: FYI WTF fence along Ajijic lake shore

Post by mudgirl Thu Mar 28, 2024 2:59 pm

I didn't realize there was chain-link fencing in Jerusalem back then. ;-)

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FYI WTF fence along Ajijic lake shore  Empty Re: FYI WTF fence along Ajijic lake shore

Post by BisbeeGal Fri Mar 29, 2024 6:40 pm

Here's the scoop.

It's behind a paywall but the reason the city put up the fence is to keep out vehicles and horses so that families can better enjoy the area. The acting Ajijic Delegado says there will be other improvements in the area.

I used to live near the bottom of Nicholas Bravo (aka Galeana above Constitucion) and it was always an area that attracted a lot of night time cars with loud boombox stereos on the paved part of the Paseo del Lago, drinking, partying. Now with the lake so far out, they are driving, racing along the shorefront according to the report.
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FYI WTF fence along Ajijic lake shore  Empty Re: FYI WTF fence along Ajijic lake shore

Post by BisbeeGal Fri Mar 29, 2024 7:12 pm

Found this free at La Pagina's FB page.  I used an auto translation, so you may have to read between the lines.


Cercan parte de la playa en Ajijic para seguridad de los vacacionistas
Por Gilberto Padilla García
La colocación de una malla ciclónica en parte de la playa de Ajijic, a la altura de La Crucita, generó preocupación en algunos de sus habitantes y hasta comentarios en contra en las redes sociales, ya que consideran ese lugar es zona federal que pertenece el Lago de Chapala y no se debe construir en ella.
Los trabajos habrían comenzado después de la primera semana de marzo con la instalación de los primeros postes con cemento, situación que alertó a varias personas de que algún particular se había apropiado del espacio para construir.
La malla ciclónica que se instaló en la zona de la playa, entre las calles Ramón Corona y Nicolás Bravo, mide 180 metros por 20 y tiene 1.20 metros de altura, abarcando una superficie de poco más de 3 mil metros cuadrados.
Timoteo Aldana Pérez, encargado del despacho de la delegación de Ajijic, aclaró que no es ninguna invasión por particulares, sino el rescate de un espacio público que por muchos años estuvo abandonado y que, por la llegada del período vacacional de Semana Santa y Pascua, se optó por rodearlo de malla ciclónica para el disfrute de los habitantes y visitantes, protegiéndolos de los caballos, vehículos y motocicletas que transitan por la zona a muy altas velocidades.
En entrevista, el funcionario municipal informó que el proyecto se le propuso al alcalde interino de Chapala, Gamaliel de Jesús Soto Pérez, quien dio su autorización para que se llevara a cabo.
“Es un rescate de algo que estaba abandonado y nada más, no es ninguna invasión de alguien en lo particular, sino el rescate de un espacio que estará abierto para todas las personas, ya que tendrá sus entradas, donde no se podrán meter lo carros, ni las motos, ni los caballos”, agregó. Junto a la zona delimitada se rehabilitó un camino que podrá ser usado por los vehículos, las motocicletas y los caballos, sin ningún problema, informó Aldana Pérez, al mencionar que para mantener el orden en la zona se contará con el apoyo de la Comisaría de Seguridad Pública.
El espacio contará con luminarias y baños, además de juegos infantiles y no se pondrá pasto sintético, ya que es zona federal.
En caso de que el Lago de Chapala recuperara sus niveles en el próximo temporal de lluvias, la malla ciclónica sería retirada,
“...pero ojalá y subiera, primero Dios, porque todos necesitamos que se reponga”, finalizó Aldana Pérez.
Close part of the beach in Ajijic for the safety of holidaymakers
By Gilberto Padilla Garcia
The placement of a cyclonic mesh on part of the beach of Ajijic, at the height of La Crucita, generated concern in some of its inhabitants and even counter comments on social networks, as they consider that place is a federal zone that belongs to Lake Chapala and it dont build in it.
Work would have begun after the first week of March with the installation of the first concrete poles, a situation that alerted several people that an individual had seized the space to build.
The cyclonic mesh that was installed in the beach area, between Ramón Corona and Nicolás Bravo streets, measures 180 meters by 20 and is 1.20 meters high, covering an area of just over 3 thousand square meters.
Timoteo Aldana Perez, in charge of the office of the Ajijic delegation, clarified that it is not an invasion by individuals, but the rescue of a public space that for many years was abandoned and that, by the arrival of the holiday period of Holy Week and Easter, chose to surround it cyclonic mesh for the enjoyment of residents and visitors, protecting them from horses, vehicles and motorcycles that travel through the area at very high speeds.
In an interview, the municipal official reported that the project was proposed to the acting mayor of Chapala, Gamaliel de Jesús Soto Perez, who gave his authorization to carry out.
"It is a rescue of something that was abandoned and nothing else, it is no invasion of anyone in particular, but the rescue of a space that will be open to all people, since it will have its entrances, where you will not be able to enter the cars, nor the motorcycles, nor the horses," he added. Next to the enclosed area was rehabilitated a road that can be used by vehicles, motorcycles and horses, without any problems, Aldana Perez reported, mentioning that to maintain order in the area it will be supported by the Public Security Commissar.
The space will have light fixtures and bathrooms, as well as children's games and no synthetic grass will be laid since it is a federal zone.
In case Lake Chapala regains its levels in the next rainstorm, the cyclonic grid would be removed,
“... but I wish it would go up, God first, because we all need it to be replenished," Aldana Perez concluded.
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FYI WTF fence along Ajijic lake shore  Empty Re: FYI WTF fence along Ajijic lake shore

Post by BisbeeGal Tue Apr 02, 2024 10:01 am

UPDATE: The Municipio removed the fence in response to many complaints.

A few days ago we demarcated an area of the Ajijic malecon so that families could live together in peace and security.
This, in response to reports we received about the lack of prudence of motorists, motorcyclists and people riding in that area, and endangering the integrity of children and adults enjoying that area of living.
Due to the inconvenience of some villagers about the placement of the safety net, we decided to remove it this morning.
We are open to listening to your proposals, and together, implement measures that will allow us to avoid accidents in this area.
We invite you to leave your suggestions, and we will also meet with the inhabitants to find a solution.
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FYI WTF fence along Ajijic lake shore  Empty Re: FYI WTF fence along Ajijic lake shore

Post by RickS Tue Apr 02, 2024 2:22 pm

"Damned if you do, damned if you don't...."
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