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New article on Vaccines

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New article on Vaccines Empty New article on Vaccines

Post by drmike Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:44 pm

For those of you who have been Private Mailing me about vaccines, please read this article on the dangers of vaccines and it will enlighten you to what I've talked about:

The Vaccination Agenda: An Implicit Transhumanism/Dehumanism
Post date:
Friday, January 20th 2012 at 4:00 am by Sayer Ji

Let's face it: the only real justification for using vaccines to "immunize" ourselves against disease is derived from the natural fact that when challenged by infectious agents the humoral arm of our immune system launches a successful response capable of conferring lasting immunity. Were it not for the elegance, proficiency, and mostly asymptomatic success of our recombinatorial immune system in dealing so well with infectious challenges, vaccination would have no cause, no scientific explanation, no justification whatsoever.

In fact, ever since the adaptive, antigen-specific immune system evolved in early vertebrates 500 million years ago, our bodies have been doing a pretty good job of keeping us alive on this planet without need for synthetic, vaccine-mediated immunity. Indeed, infectious challenges are necessary for the development of a healthy immune system and in order to prevent autoimmune conditions from emerging as a result of TH2 dominance. In other words, take away these natural infectious challenges, and the immune system can and will turn upon itself; take way these infectious challenges and lasting immunity against tens, if not hundreds of thousands of pathogens we are exposed to throughout our lives, would not be possible.

Can vaccines really co-opt, improve upon, and replace natural immunity with synthetic immunity?

How many will this require?

Are we not already at the critical threshold of vaccine overload?

By "improving" on our humanness in this way, are we not also at the same moment departing dramatically from it?

Presently, compliance with the CDC's immunization schedule for children from birth through 6 years of age requires 60 vaccines* be administered, purportedly to make them healthier than non-vaccinated or naturally immunized ones.** Sixty vaccines, while a disturbingly high amount (for those who retain the complementary human faculties of reason and intuition), does not, however, correctly convey just how many antigenic challenges these children face in total...

A new paper published in the journal Lupus entitled Mechanisms of aluminum adjuvant toxicity and autoimmunity in pediatric populations, points out that as many as 125 antigenic compounds, along with high amounts of aluminum (AI) adjuvants are given to children by the time they are 4 and 6 years old, in some "developed" countries. The authors also state: "Immune challenges during early development, including those vaccine-induced, can lead to permanent detrimental alterations of the brain and immune function. Experimental evidence also shows that simultaneous administration of as little as two to three immune adjuvants can overcome genetic resistance to autoimmunity."

Vaccine adjuvants are agents that accelerate, enhance or prolong the antigen-specific immune responses vaccines intend to illicit. In essence, they enhance vaccine "efficacy," which is defined by the ability to raise antibody titers. A vaccine's "effectiveness," on the other hand -- and which is the real-world measure of whether a vaccine works or not -- is not ascertainable through the number of antibodies produced. Whether or not a vaccine or vaccine adjuvant boosts antibodies that have actual affinity with the intended pathogen is what counts in the real world, i.e. antibody-antigen affinity, (and not the sheer volume of antibodies produced) determines whether a vaccine will be effective or not.

The semantic confusion between "vaccine efficacy" and "vaccine effectiveness" ensures that vaccines which disrupt/harm/hypersensitize the immune system by stimulating unnaturally elevated antibody titers may obtain FDA approval, despite the fact that they have never been shown to confer real-world protection. *** Some vaccine researchers have even suggested that breastfeeding, which may reduce vaccine-induced elevations in antibody titers in infants, i.e. its iatrogenic disease-promoting effects, should temporarily be delayed in order not to interfere with the vaccine's so-called "efficacy."

Common adjuvants include: aluminum, mineral oil, detergent stabilized squalene-in-water, pertactin, formaldehyde, viral DNA, phosphate, all of which are inherently toxic, no matter what the route of exposure.

Many parents today do not consider how dangerous injecting adjuvants directly into the muscle (and sometimes blood, due to incorrect and/or non-existent aspiration techniques), especially in non-infected, healthy offspring whose immune systems are only just learning to launch effective responses to the innumerable pathogens already blanketing their environment.

Adequate breastfeeding, in fact, is the most successful strategy in the prevention of morbidity and mortality associated with infectious challenges, and is so distinctively mammalian (i.e. obtaining nourishment and immunity through the mammary glands), that without adequate levels (only 11.3% of infants in the US were exclusively breastfed through the first six months of life (Source: CDC, 2004)) infants become much more readily susceptible to illness.

Not only have humans strayed from their mammalian roots, by creating and promoting infant formula over breast milk, and then promoting synthetic immunity via vaccines over the natural immunity conferred through breastfeeding and sunlight exposure, for instance, but implicit within the dominant medical model to replace natural immunity with a synthetic one, is a philosophy of transhumanism, a movement which intends to improve upon and transcend our humanity, and has close affiliation with some aspects of eugenics.***

The CDC's immunization schedule reflects a callous lack of regard for the 3 billion years of evolution that brought us to our present, intact form, without elaborate technologies like vaccination -- and likely only because we never had them at our disposal to inflict potentially catastrophic harm to ourselves. The CDC is largely responsible for generating the mass public perception that there is greater harm in not "prophylactically" injecting well over 100 distinct disease-promoting and immune-disruptive substances into the bodies of healthy children. They have been successful in instilling the concept into the masses that Nature failed in her design, and that medical and genetic technologies and interventions can be used to create a superior human being.

In this culture of vaccination, the non-vaccinated child is "inferior," "dirty," perhaps even "sub-human" to those who look upon vaccination as the answer to what perfects the human immune system. Transhumanism participates in a dialectic which requires a simultaneous and systematic dehumanization of those who do not share the same way of thinking and behaving. The eugenic undertones of mass vaccination and the cult of synthetic immunity are now only thinly veiled, as we move closer to the point where a psuedo-scientific medical dictatorship lays claim to our very bodies, and the bodies of our children.

The point of no return (if not already traversed) is only around the corner: the mass introduction of DNA and Recombinant Vector Vaccine technology. Vaccines moved through the following stages (a tortured history of failures and massive "collateral damage"): Live Vaccines > Attenuated Vaccines > Subunit Vaccines > Toxid Vaccines > Conjugate Vaccines, only now reaching towards converting our living tissue into "vaccine-making factories" through the use of DNA and Recombinant Vector Vaccines, which are designed to directly alter cells within the vaccinated person's body so that they create the antigens normally provided by vaccines themselves.*****

While not yet in use, clinical trial are now underway to obtain FDA approval. If we do not educate ourselves now and act accordingly, their mass implementation is inevitable, and our very genomes will become the next target of the vaccination/transhumanism agenda.

*counting the number of vaccine antigens, in total, e.g. trivalent influenza = 3 vaccine antigens.

** Natural immunization occurs to those who gain immunological competence by being infected (often asymptomatically) by a wild-type pathogen, launching a normal immune response, overcoming the infectious challenge, and as a consequence obtaining lasting immunity.

*** Transhumanism is an international movement that believes in the transformation of the human condition by using technologies to enhance human intellectual, physical and psychological capacities.

**** The term "efficacy," when used in the context of a vaccine's antibody-elevating effects, does not equate to effectiveness, i.e. whether or not a vaccine actually works in real life to protect against the infectious agent of concern.

It is this semantic trick (conflating and confusing "efficacy" with "effectiveness") which convinces most of the "developed" world that vaccine research is "evidence-based" and focused on creating enhanced immunity, when in fact it is primarily a highly successful business enterprise dependent on defrauding its "customers" of both their money and health. The dangers of common vaccines are so well known by "health experts," and the manufacturers who produce, them that their risk (like nuclear power) is underwritten by world governments. The importance of this fact can not be overestimated or understated.

Introducing foreign pathogenic DNA, chemicals, metals, preservatives, etc., into the body through a syringe will generate a response not unlike kicking a bee hive. The harder you kick that beehive, the greater will be the "efficacy" (i.e. elevated antibodies), but the actual affinity that these antibodies will have for the antigen (i.e. pathogen) of concern, can not be guaranteed; nor must the vaccine reseachers prove antibody-antigen affinity to receive FDA approval.

Also, valuable immune resources are wasted by generating "false flag" responses to threats which may not readily exist in the environment, e.g. there are over 200 forms of influenza A, B & C which can cause the symptoms associated with annual influenza A, so the seasonal trivalent flu vaccine only takes care of little more than 1% of the possible vectors of infection - and often at the price of distracting resources away from real threats, as well as exhausting and/or damaging the entire immune apparatus. Truth be told, there is actually a shocking lack of evidence to support flu vaccines, in any age or population.

What's worse, the vaccine response can "blow back" causing loss of self-tolerance and, via the resultant Th2 dominant immune system, the body can attack itself (auto-immunity). In the meantime, the first line of defense against infection (Th1) is compromised and this "front door" can be left wide open to unmet infectious challenges.

It is clear that one can create a synthetic immune response through vaccination, but it is not likely to result in enhanced immunity, insofar as real-world effectiveness is concerned, which is the only true judge of whether a vaccine is valuable or not. One might view the basic criteria used by vaccine researchers, namely, that generating elevated antibody titers proves the value of the vaccine, oppositely: proving the vaccine is causing harm to the developing infant by generating unnecessarily elevated antibodies by any means necessary, i.e. throwing the chemical and biological kitchen sink at the immune system, e.g. aluminum, phenol, diploid (aborted fetal) cells, peanut oil, pertactin, etc.
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Post by Zedinmexico Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:30 am

Also folks don't cook in non anodized aluminum. If it is anodized it is
probably safe and especially don't cook acid food in non anodized like
spagetti sauce made from tomatoes.

I still do not agree that vacines are all bad but I do agree that the
number of them for children is absurd especially at a young age.


Wasn't the polio vacine a good idea?? India is the latest polio free place
and I am old enough to remember iron lungs.

How about the small pox vacine?? This seems like a good thing to eliminate
and we might have already don't so.

Now I get the argument you have against the Hep vaccine. It makes sense
for our bodies to fight off things than have a vaccine and spend the time and
money and effort to do the same thing. I also get your argument against
the flu vaccine if the vaccine is not very effective.

What I would like is an thoughtful argument about the different vaccines.
We have no way to know how effective or whether the negatives offset
the positives. For a lay person to read some of the research literature is
almost impossible so we are back to trusting an individual to tell us. I
doubt if most of you could understand the inside of a computer chip but
you know it works and you trust the technology but I do. So we depend
on Dr Mike (and others) for there opinions and choose to listen to someone
regarding these issues.

What shots should we get as adults?? I would like to know which shots
Dr Mike would get for himself and if none why?

Thanks Dr Mike and sorry for the busmans holiday.


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Post by drmike Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:52 am

You are absolutely correct about aluminum cooking pans. A person will get aluminum in their system and it is extremely toxic. Use steel cooking pots or like Le Cruset enamel over cast iron. Cast iron frying pans are a good source of iron.

The only vaccine I have had in twenty years is the tetanus vaccine as I've explained before.

Vaccines tend to decrease the immune system. I think if one keeps their immune system functioning well they do not have a need for a vaccine. Doctors and Public Health official push vaccines (Herd Immunity) as if they are the answer to most public diseases and they are not. They are overused, Zed. For example the docs recommend a combination for adults who want a tetanus vaccine to have a tetanus vaccine combined with Pertussis. Pertussis (Whooping cough) "shot up" from 25,000 cases per year to 27,000 cases per year. This is out of a population of 310,000,000 people. Not a much of a chance of getting Pertussis, I'd say. So why are the docs pushing the Pertussis vaccines?

Many vaccines have a low effectiveness rate some as low as 15- 20%. Keeping your immune system in good shape gives you a better shot at staying healthy.

The additives in vaccines cause their own problems. Some many people are allergic to, some are purely toxic (thimerosol - mercury) there is a real link between mercury and neurological (brain) damage, and aluminum and formaldehyde. There are an array of additives added to vaccines for various reasons among which is preservative.

There may be a link between vaccines and autism, although the Pharmaceutical Companies who make vaccines have their own studies which show no link. The Pharmaceutical Companies have too much invested to show otherwise.

I suggest you read the risks of side effects of vaccines.

Most vaccines are simply not needed if you keep your immune system up. There is no need to risk the side effects, the devastating effect on your immune system, because docs who don't know tell you to get it. If you are elderly had had a condition which puts you at risk (COPD, History of pneumonia, etc) I would suggest getting the pneumonia vaccine, although I don't know how effective it is.

Another thing to understand is that most of the studies which show that vaccines are safe and effective are paid for, in one way or the other, by the vaccine manufacturers. The studies which show the opposite do not get the press, due to money, shall we say.

So I hope this answers your questions, Z. They were good questions and I appreciate them. If a person decides to give their child the the 60 or so vaccines by the age of six, it is their option. If a person decides to get vaccines as an adult then get them and good luck. I would still recommend that you keep your immune system strong by working harder at it if you get the vaccines.

Over the twenty years or so of not getting vaccines, I have had hospitalizations, but none related to not taking vaccines. I try and keep my immune system strong and so far it has worked for me.

Thank you Z. for allowing me to expand on this controversial subject.

Dr. Mike

BTW: what is the Busmans holiday?
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New article on Vaccines Empty Re: New article on Vaccines

Post by Zedinmexico Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:24 pm

BTW: what is the Busmans holiday? from Dr Mike

Sorry old term for taking a holiday while still doing ones work. It means
sorry for making you talk medicine or a busdriver taking a busride for
his holiday.

You covered all but what about for example small pox, or polio. Not sure
I want to go back to Iron Lungs for example. I get all the other arguments
so lets say we got rid of the mercury and other preservatives and effective
enhancement agents. Would you vaccinate for Polio if polio came back?? I
am not playing tricks here I just want to seperate the concept of vaccines
from the added stuff.

Just a short story. I lived in a college/electronics town with people coming
from all over the world and last year we did have a Pertussis outbreak
brought in to our city. Now statistically it looks safe but it wasn't because
we were a hotspot. Now I have no idea whether Pertussis would just go
away like a cold or whatever but it was a huge issue in the schools in our
city and I was required to have a vaccine for my work. Just a thought here.

Thanks Dr. Mike for taking the time to tolerate our questions. Folks just don't
know what to believe anymore thanks to Big Pharma and there favorite
partner The US government thus all of our questions which might sound
ignorant sometimes cause we just don't know anymore in our heads what
is ridiculous or not.

Here is an interesting question. Should you give your dog a Rabies shot
with Rabies being found in Lakeside? Save any panic Rabies is rampant in
many portions of the United States and we have been living with it for
years in Oregon including finding overly friendly squirels which is a sign
of Rabies. Animals behavior can be nasty or uber friendly with rabies.


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New article on Vaccines Empty Re: New article on Vaccines

Post by drmike Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:42 pm

Yes, I would probably consider the Polio vaccine because I, too, remember the Iron Lungs...I had a friend in one. One of the things about polio is it is spread by feces, so it is a must that people learn how to and to wash their hands properly and after using the bathroom.

Small pox, if someone released the small pox virus (let's say a terrorist) in my city, I would probably get the vaccine. Without that exposure I see no reason to get the vaccine. It is not 100% effective but even a 30 % effectiveness of a vaccine, in a time of crisis, may help you survive. It may not be effective but it may be your only chance. So it depends on the situation. You see sometimes when a person catches one of these diseases they gain automatic immunity for life. That is the principle that vaccines are supposedly developed on. So if you catch pertussis, or measles, or Rubella or many other diseases, and you recover, then you have lifetime immunity. No need for the vaccine.

Rabies shot for dogs, yes. In fact it is a law in our state that all domestic dogs be vaccinated against rabies. We are now getting them their rabies shot. It does generally make our dogs ill for a day or two, but it's good for three years so I'll follow state laws.

With Pertussis, it is a bacterium so antibiotics would work. As I said in the previous posting, there is a range of 25,000 - 27,000 people who die annually of pertussis. I would not characterize it as a major threat out of 310,000,000 people in the U.S. (it is a major threat to those who died and their families, I suppose), but I would suggest to my patients who are people with a compromised immune system, the elderly, people with HIV, people who catch pneumonia easily that they should probably be vaccinated, but for the vast majority of us...NO! it is a risk we don't need to take.

I hope this answers your questions. Thanks for answering the "busmans holiday" question. It is always a pleasure to debate with you. You ask good questions. I can tell you were an Engineer.

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Post by drmike Wed Jan 25, 2012 2:10 pm

I edited the info somewhat but it did not go through. So let me repeat it.

In 2010 there were 27,550 cases of Pertussis reported to the CDC. That number is probably under reported due to the difficulty of diagnosing the disease in the early stages. But out of 310,000,000 in the U.S. that is really a small percentage.

I would add that I would recommend the Pertussis vaccine to infants since their immune system is not developed, in addition to those mentioned earlier (but not the 60 or so vaccines they get before they are 6 years old).

I would probably suggest that people who live in an area with an outbreak of pertussis get the vaccine, as you did.

The vaccine is not particularly effective in preventing disease but it can shorten the duration of it and/or the severity of the disease.

That is what I tried to insert in the previous post but it would not allow me. Hope all this helps.
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New article on Vaccines Empty Re: New article on Vaccines

Post by CheenaGringo Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:20 pm

While I lay no claim to being even somewhat knowledgeable on the pluses or minuses of vaccines or the inherent dangers in each, I can say that I was used as a "pin cushion" after being born and raised in Asia during the 40's, 50's and early '60's. I doubt I missed a single vaccination that was probably on one recommended list or another. Did I receive vaccinations that probably would be deemed unwise today? Probably! In hindsight, did these vaccinations help minimize the possibility of my body being subjected to some strange little known disease? Probably!

Now everyone knows the reason why I act the way I do! HA!

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Post by CanuckBob Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:32 pm

I knew there had to be some sort of explanation CG......Jaja.
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Post by Solovino Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:45 pm

Wasn't smallpox eradicated?

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Post by CanuckBob Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:52 pm

I believe it still exists in two labs..........
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Post by viajero Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:02 pm

CanuckBob wrote:I believe it still exists in two labs..........
Yep, they are developing a new strain they call bigpox.

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Post by Solovino Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:07 pm

CanuckBob wrote:I believe it still exists in two labs..........

One in the US and one in Russia. But the disease no longer exists outside of those labs and poses zero health risk to human beings.

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Post by CanuckBob Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:10 pm

Unless some Russian terrorist gets a hold of it and unleashes it upon the world....Bwhahahahahaha.
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Post by Solovino Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:26 pm

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Post by raqueteer Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:12 pm

Now here's the kind of study I like.


✓ In a case-control study, investigators reported that there was a trend among smokers toward a reduction in risk of Alzheimer disease. They also reported that the heavy smokers were 70 percent less likely to acquire Alzheimer disease.

Soooo, those cigarettes which are so much less expensive here could be considered medication. Time for cocktails!!!!!


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Post by CanuckBob Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:16 pm

............and a few glasses of red wine each day is good for the heart. You are going to live forever Raq.

Smokealot Beer
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Post by raqueteer Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:26 pm

CanuckBob wrote:............and a few glasses of red wine each day is good for the heart. You are going to live forever Raq.

Smokealot Beer

That's exactly what my doctor told me 24 years ago when I went in for a detailed 3 day physical. Ciggies cocktails and all. She said and I quote, "if you do up your seatbelt, eat breakfast every day and quit smoking, you'll make it to 82, if not, maybe 79." Y'all do the math. 79 wonderful years or 82 miserable ones. But hey what am I doing wasting time it's HAPPY HOUR!!!!!


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New article on Vaccines Empty Re: New article on Vaccines

Post by CheenaGringo Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:43 pm

Not to be picky but it seems like this topic probably should be in "Medical & Dental"?

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