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Help for Permanente's with Car Issues

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Help for Permanente's  with Car Issues - Page 4 Empty Re: Help for Permanente's with Car Issues

Post by Playaboy Fri May 31, 2013 8:57 am

CHILLIN wrote:[quote="Playaboy" My OPINION is that the authorities are becoming more aware of the new INM laws and will be checking foreign plated vehicles more closely everywhere in Mexico.

That's pretty hilarious! What you have at work here is fear and gossip, based on an accidental grey area of law, where, as always, when pushed for an interpretation - bureaucrats know they can never be fired for saying "No", but they can for saying "Yes". In 2005 local attorney Lic. Adriana Perez got in the middle of a "crisis" where the Federales had seized 3 vehicles in Nayarit. By the next day it was all around Vallarta that anybody with an FM3 was getting their car impounded - there were 200 so far. People were screaming to their consulates. It turned out all three incidents were Mexicans driving gringo cars without the owner present. All cars were returned with a small fine - since that day, no one is questioning TIPS and Visas in Puerto Vallarta or West Nayarit - it's a taboo subject, it affects tourism, creates a mountain of paperwork.

Why would an honest, hard working Transito or Federale care about this? What about saving lives - proper insurance, seat belts, insecure loads, drunk drivers, kid seats, helmets, vehicles leaking gasoline, parts falling of vehicles, stolen vehicles - you know, the important stuff? Police work?

Hilarious? I have done thousands of miles driving all over Mexico during the last 10 years. FYI, The police are starting to look more closely at foreign plated vehicles everywhere in Mexico. They are asking for papers. . (like most threads this one wanders a little, much like threads here do). Read about Oasisclouds experience in this thread

Quite a few police officers have Smart phones. They can access the internet and check you papers instantly. Have all your paper up to date and with you at all times and avoid potential problems with all those honest, hardworking police officers.

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Help for Permanente's  with Car Issues - Page 4 Empty Re: Help for Permanente's with Car Issues

Post by ComputerGuy Fri May 31, 2013 1:28 pm

Quite a few police officers have Smart phones. They can access the internet and check you papers instantly.
Now that's something I'd like to see...
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Help for Permanente's  with Car Issues - Page 4 Empty Re: Help for Permanente's with Car Issues

Post by CHILLIN Fri May 31, 2013 4:48 pm

So here we have the Barney Fife of Transitos Mexico.

"Andy --shk, Andy, I've a 1746 in progress here" says Barney

"What on earth is a 1746, Barney, never hear of it" says our beloved Andy.

"Well its pretty complicated Andy, it involves a jurisdictional overlap which creates an irregularity in a vehicle's paperwork" says Barney

"Those are some pretty big words Barney, you sure you haven't been shooting the crap with Otis again? What do you propose to do with them?"

"Well Andy," he says shoring his always sagging waistbelt, "I got four pretty scared gringos, I thought if I tazered them, take them into Mayberry lockup, then waterboarded them for a few hours - maybe they will give up the location of the "El Chapo" we are all looking for!!". says Barney.

"Look Barney" says Andy "Look very closely - is the driver drunk enoough to need testing, are their insurance papers in order, does the driver have a license, did you run the plates to see if they are stolen - if none of these things, tell the people to have a nice day and be on their way."

"Okey Dokey Andy - by the way does the department refund my smartphone minutes? It took me about 1.5 hours to confirm all their papers - so that's about 750 pesos?

"Barney - we have to pay for our own bullets, remember?" say Andy

This all so too close to the truth in the Mayberry areas of Mexico - which Chapala/Ajijic/Jocotepec is surely one.

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Help for Permanente's  with Car Issues - Page 4 Empty Re: Help for Permanente's with Car Issues

Post by Playaboy Mon Jun 03, 2013 8:19 am

HelperGuy wrote:
Quite a few police officers have Smart phones. They can access the internet and check you papers instantly.
Now that's something I'd like to see...

More and more people in Mexico are getting connected. I have seen many policeman with smart phones all over Mexico. They might be personal phones or government issued.

There are a few government internet sites to check on stolen plates or valid TIP's and pedimento's. Do you think these sites were built for the general public? They were built for government officials and law enforcement.

A federale can now check up on your status about as quickly as a US cop can. This isn't and never was Mayberry.

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Help for Permanente's  with Car Issues - Page 4 Empty Re: Help for Permanente's with Car Issues

Post by CHILLIN Mon Jun 03, 2013 10:39 am

Earlier this year was the "Power to the Tower" raffle/fundraiser in Chapala. It was to raise money for a second repeater for the Police radio. It would upgrade to allow duplex conversations, hearing and speaking at the same time. This was thought to improve emergency response times. People were also wondering why the new Mayor and Police Chief had cancelled individual officer cell phones and the anonymous tip line. The local police have no digital hookup in their vehicles.

The new automated license plate scanners in use in Canada now, can scan 60 plates a second. They have been digital since the 1980's, can access building floor plans, criminal backgrounds, photos, etc.
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Help for Permanente's  with Car Issues - Page 4 Empty A better alternative

Post by Playaboy Sat Jan 31, 2015 6:30 pm

Playaboy wrote:Because of a change in your INM status a lot of folks are having or are going to have car issues.  I know how and can LEGALLY help.  If your TIP is expired I can help you.  If you are now Permanente or going to be one soon and your car is ILLEGAL, I have LEGAL solutions.  Just because you are caught between that rock and a hard place doesn't mean their isn't a way out.  I am not promising to make you financially whole again but I can help reduce your losses.

I just returned after helping this lady. .  She doesn't have a car problem anymore and has peace of mind.

I will not post the advice on any forum.  Free advice is worth what you pay for it. I am not doing this for free.

So if you have a vehicle and want a way out of your mess, PM me and we can talk. Maybe I can solve you problem like I did for JIE


Over the last 20 months or so since I started this thread, a lot of different car issues have arisen.  There have been changing import regulations, border shutdowns, stolen license plates, and fraudulent paperwork.  Then there have been all those keyboard warriors with their expert (USUALLY BAD) advice.  Quite a few people followed that bad advice and have paid an expensive price.  It has been a total fracking mess.  

I am still offering to purchase your car, legally drive it to the border, cancel your TIP, and remove it from Mexico.  Upon my return I will give you your TIP cancellation receipt.  I take all the risks and you get to resolve your car problems and stay in the comfort of your home.

If you want a safe, proven, alternative to resolve your car issues, send me a PM or email me at cornking1 (at) yahoo (dot) com.  I have references upon request, most from your neighbors lakeside.

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