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Pueblo Magico: Some Answers

Rosa Venus
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Pueblo Magico: Some Answers Empty Pueblo Magico: Some Answers

Post by lunateak Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:46 am

This was on ToB and thought it was informative:

I was one of several posters on this web board who had questions about Pueblo Magico (PM) status being sought for Ajijic. At his invitation, I met Sunday morning with Harry Bublin who is the chairperson of the Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC). His wife Chris was also there. He had invited five forum posters to meet and discuss PM. I was the only one who attended. One person called him that morning to cancel. The other three never responded to the invitation. Since I was the only forum member to attend, I am passing along what Harry took the time to share.

For those who might be interested, Harry and Chris have lived here for 12 years and were regular visitors for 10 years before that. He is a naturalized Mexican citizen. They are both very involved in the community.

CAC was established by Hector Espana Ramos, Ajijic´s newly-elected Delegado. After taking office in March for his three-year term, Hector created the CAC. As noted, Harry Bublin is the chair. Other members are Judith Baeher, J. Hennerle, Ann Houch, Bob Howe, Viviane Michel and Keith and Penelope Sofka. The committee meets as needed.

Efrem Gonzales, director of the cultural center on the plaza, would like to see Ajijic become known as the artistic center of Jalisco state. Obtaining the PM status would help in reaching that goal. Ajijic the village will apply not as a municipality of Chapala. Harry says this is possible because Ajijic exists as a separate entity with its own elected government, plaza, and police station.

It is believed that features such as the following are what qualify Ajijic for PM status:
The Old Chapel (built in 1534)
Adobe buildings (some related to the revolution)
Neil James
The Old Posada (part of an original Cortez land grant)

The application is in very early stages. The committee is reviewing documents on the process gleaning from them things that will have to be done before they can apply. The committee has begun doing projects that would improve chances of having a successful application. In the past four months projects have included:
Filling potholes
Installation of 45 handicapped ramps
Repairing sidewalk
Installing handrails around town
Putting pavers on the tianguis street so the elderly and handicapped can shop at the Wednesday market.
These are things that are needed by the people anyway. Mexicans and expats need these things to improve their lives, Harry said. Getting Pueblo Magico status is something to shoot for, but if we do not make it a lot of things will have been improved.

The PM designation would include all of Ajijic from La Floresta to the western boundary. The PM is a federal program which also receives some state funding.
PM statis comes with benefits that include federal and state funding for advertising and infrastructure improvements. It also offers protection from inappropriate development such as six-story buildings, more casinos and large chain restaurants.

The designation comes with requirements the village must meet and they are now being reviewed. The committee is aware of concerns about some regulations possibly being harmful to local businesses and entrepreneurs. Harry says solutions will be found for problems coming along with PM designation. Nobody wants to push those people out of work, that´s for sure, he said. Some of those people are very dear to us. We have known them for years.

Completing the plaza project (which ran into financial problems before Hector took office) is part of the plan. Because a big part of the problem has been lack of documentation and accountability for money, Harry (who has an accounting degree) is now the bonded banker for all funds. He is part of a four-person financial committee and at least two people must sign off on any expenditures. Every donor not only gets a receipt but also receives the original bills showing where their money was spent. A man gave us 3,400 pesos for an artistic handrail on the plaza steps. He has the original design, notes from the iron worker and the payment schedule. The committee has copies, said Harry.
The committee wants to ensure complete credit and transparency for donors so they can be assured their money is used as they intended. Names of donors who wish to be anonymous will not be revealed. If you want to be acknowledged we will do that, Harry said It is the donors´ business.

Harry and the committee would like to hear from people who have thoughts and ideas about PM and other public works projects. He said they are happy to meet with anyone who is interested in helping. They especially seek ideas about how to fund projects knowing they can not continue to operate forever on donations. Harry can be reached at 766-4282 or by email: If you prefer communicating on, you may address ChrisB and Harry will get the message. You can be assured that replies under ChrisB´s name do come from Harry.

Harry would like everyone to remember that the people on the committee are putting their energy into working positively to make things better. We really are trying to do the right things, he says.

That is what I learned over breakfast on Sunday morning. I thank Harry for his time and openness.
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Pueblo Magico: Some Answers Empty Re: Pueblo Magico: Some Answers

Post by Pedro Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:05 am

what a load of horse pucky. ajijic IS under the direction of the chapala municipo. it has only had elected delegado for the last 2 terms. before that they were appointed. the same goes fer san antonio,santa cruz et al,who all also have a plaza. the police at the station in ajijic are chapala police-not ajijic police.
when are people gonna understand that ajijic is merely another village in the chapala municipo and ain't independant?
designation as an artists centre my ass.  fer a coupla known artists and a few artisans most of who's works are fer the tourist trade in all them touristy shops? wadda joke!
anyone that takes this crap seriously is ripe fer buying swampland somewhere.
adobe construction-jeje! that's all over the map. i'll take ya on a tour and show them to ya-SNORK! or all ya gotta do is open yer eyes in any town. there's 4 right here on my street in chapala.

Last edited by Pedro on Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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Pueblo Magico: Some Answers Empty Re: Pueblo Magico: Some Answers

Post by CheenaGringo Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:36 pm

Admitedly, I have been following the various discussions on this topic and have a pointed question to ask:
How many of the people involved have visited Pueblo Magicos scattered around Mexico and have actually taken the time to understand exactly what allowed each to qualify?

When I see posters making comments such as: " Patzcuaro, for example, is a big industrial town with a historic center, yet it qualifies." It provides a clue just how many are shooting their mouths off with absolutely no knowledge!

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Pueblo Magico: Some Answers Empty Re: Pueblo Magico: Some Answers

Post by Zedinmexico Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:39 pm

Pedro wrote:what a load of horse pucky again, coming from harry the bubble. ajijic IS under the direction of the chapala municipo. it has only had elected delegado for the last 2 terms. before that they were appointed. the same goes fer san antonio,santa cruz et al,who all also have a plaza. the police at the station in ajijic are chapala police-not ajijic police.
when are people gonna understand that ajijic is merely another village in the chapala municipo and ain't independant?
designation as an artists centre my ass.  fer a coupla known artists and a few artisans most of who's works are fer the tourist trade in all them touristy shops? wadda joke!
anyone that takes this crap seriously is ripe fer buying swampland somewhere.
adobe construction-jeje! that's all over the map. i'll take ya on a tour and show them to ya-SNORK! or all ya gotta do is open yer eyes in any town. there's 4 right here on my street in chapala.

Pedro why do you care what many of us who live in Ajijic care to do?  I have never said one bad word about Chapala. Leave us alone to figure out
our own destiny.  Ajijic destiny is very different from Chapala.  Chapala has its own problems why do you not focus your energy on Chapala like we
focus our energy on Ajijic.

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Pueblo Magico: Some Answers Empty Re: Pueblo Magico: Some Answers

Post by Rosa Venus Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:41 pm

That comment about Patzcuaro was idiotic and, as always, one must consider the source.
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Pueblo Magico: Some Answers Empty Re: Pueblo Magico: Some Answers

Post by hockables Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:44 pm

Hi Neil... glad ta see you back

LoonieTick...Did I hear ( read ) you right?
Fearless is a Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) Board Member?

Whats your position on this proposal Bob?  Beer

San Juan Cosala has one of the oldest churches in Mexico....nearly as old as Ajijic's Cobblestone Streets...
Maybe SJC should apply!
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Pueblo Magico: Some Answers Empty Re: Pueblo Magico: Some Answers

Post by Pedro Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:45 pm

CheenaGringo wrote:Admitedly, I have been following the various discussions on this topic and have a pointed question to ask:
How many of the people involved have visited Pueblo Magicos scattered around Mexico and have actually taken the time to understand exactly what allowed each to qualify?

When I see posters making comments such as: " Patzcuaro, for example, is a big industrial town with a historic center, yet it qualifies." It provides a clue just how many are shooting their mouths off with absolutely no knowledge!
what you say has much validity. this project has a snow balls chance in hell. the report alone tells you that the people involved don't even have a clue about where they live. i would suspect that hector sees an op to keep them busy and out of his hair fer the real stough[good politiking-eh!]. i've never met hector but have had dealings with his brother who by his actions has shown little interest in ferners and their opinions.
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Pueblo Magico: Some Answers Empty Re: Pueblo Magico: Some Answers

Post by Smartalex Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:56 pm

lunateak wrote:
It is believed that features such as the following are what qualify Ajijic for PM status:
The Old Chapel (built in 1534)
Adobe buildings (some related to the revolution)
Neil James
The Old Posada (part of an original Cortez land grant)

If this is what they got...then they got nuthin'. The interesting part about the discussion on TOB is that Chapala applied for, and was denied, the PM designation...and Chapala has some real history. There are at least a dozen architecturally significant structures in town, including the twin-spire church, the two hotels across the street from the church, the two smaller hotels on the plaza, Porfirio Diaz' summer estate, the old city hall, the Braniff House, the Baragan house, Mi Pullman, the train station and the old bordello...just to name a few. And then there's the Quinta Quetzacoatl hotel, where T.H. Lawrence wrote The Plumed Serpent. And, of course, Chapala is where Maria Felix was married and spent her wedding night. Woohoo! So take that Neil James.

Last edited by Smartalex on Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Pueblo Magico: Some Answers Empty Re: Pueblo Magico: Some Answers

Post by CanuckBob Tue Jun 25, 2013 2:02 pm

hockables wrote:Hi Neil... glad ta see you back

LoonieTick...Did I hear ( read ) you right?
Fearless is a Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) Board Member?

Whats your position on this proposal Bob?  Beer

San Juan Cosala has one of the oldest churches in Mexico....nearly as old as Ajijic's Cobblestone Streets...
Maybe SJC should apply!

Geeesh Pedro, I have stated a few times on this board and have posted committee happenings and you are just now asking if I am on it??? Pay attention will ya......jajaja.

Anyhow, I don't know nearly enough about the process or economic benefits to say one way or the other at this point. I don't think many on this board or TOB do either. I am sure I will learn some more about it in time.
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Pueblo Magico: Some Answers Empty Re: Pueblo Magico: Some Answers

Post by Pedro Tue Jun 25, 2013 2:18 pm

CanuckBob wrote:
hockables wrote:Hi Neil... glad ta see you back

LoonieTick...Did I hear ( read ) you right?
Fearless is a Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) Board Member?

Whats your position on this proposal Bob?  Beer

San Juan Cosala has one of the oldest churches in Mexico....nearly as old as Ajijic's Cobblestone Streets...
Maybe SJC should apply!

Geeesh Pedro, I have stated a few times on this board and have posted committee happenings and you are just now asking if I am on it??? Pay attention will ya......jajaja.

Anyhow, I don't know nearly enough about the process or economic benefits to say one way or the other at this point. I don't think many on this board or TOB do either. I am sure I will learn some more about it in time.
geeesh back atcha. it's hockyerballs that asked the question. i knows you dabbles with them other dabblers-must be loads o' fun-jaja!
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Pueblo Magico: Some Answers Empty Re: Pueblo Magico: Some Answers

Post by CanuckBob Tue Jun 25, 2013 2:37 pm

Lo siento's this:

Geeesh Hocks, I have stated a few times on this board and have posted committee happenings and you are just now asking if I am on it??? Pay attention will ya......jajaja.

Anyhow, I don't know nearly enough about the process or economic benefits to say one way or the other at this point. I don't think many on this board or TOB do either. I am sure I will learn some more about it in time.
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Pueblo Magico: Some Answers Empty Re: Pueblo Magico: Some Answers

Post by Lady Otter Latté Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:20 pm

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Pueblo Magico: Some Answers Empty Re: Pueblo Magico: Some Answers

Post by zenwoodle Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:26 pm

When I get to the bottom of the slide then I stop and I go for a ride then I get to the bottom and I see you again. Beer

Now I forget why I wrote this. What was the question again? Beer
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Pueblo Magico: Some Answers Empty Re: Pueblo Magico: Some Answers

Post by Lady Otter Latté Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:32 pm

You mean there was a question?
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Pueblo Magico: Some Answers Empty Re: Pueblo Magico: Some Answers

Post by Smartalex Wed Jun 26, 2013 11:41 am

Ajijic cannot declare itself separate from the municipality of Chapala. I believe that SECTUR, the Ministry of Tourism, requires the cooperation of the municipality before granting PM status to a village within that municipality.
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