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Where does Guad water drain to?

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Where does Guad water drain to? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where does Guad water drain to?

Post by Pedro Wed Sep 18, 2013 8:33 am

cardshark wrote:I wonder if those wishing for a rapid rise in the lake level are even aware of the massive flooding and devastation that is happening throughout the country? Nary a mention has been made on this board of the suffering the torrential rains of the past few days have caused for many thousands of this country's inhabitants, most of whom can ill afford it.

Seems like here its a full lake and shallow minds. Que verguenza!
if you are wringing your hands over the disaster you're mentioning,give them a further workout over choix and other nasties happening in this country. eventually you will be blest[sic] with very strong hands but much feverishness-SNORK!

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Where does Guad water drain to? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where does Guad water drain to?

Post by slainte39 Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:31 am

Lady Otter Latté wrote:Troll.
An egocentric troll trying to act humanistic...tough to pull off.

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Where does Guad water drain to? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where does Guad water drain to?

Post by CanuckBob Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:37 am

Now back to the "sub-topic".........I was at the Ajijic malecon this morning and noticed that in the areas of shoreline that have slight inclines, the watermark is up about 50 feet from yesterday. Of course it isn't as noticeable in the area's that have sharper inclines.
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Where does Guad water drain to? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where does Guad water drain to?

Post by Zedinmexico Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:24 am

CanuckBob wrote:Now back to the "sub-topic".........I was at the Ajijic malecon this morning and noticed that in the areas of shoreline that have slight inclines, the watermark is up about 50 feet from yesterday. Of course it isn't as noticeable in the area's that have sharper inclines.
My wife noticed the same thing on her walk on the Malecon this morning.


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