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Hope House

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Hope House Empty Hope House

Post by 2mexicos Sun Oct 13, 2013 4:08 am

Just a line to tell everyone that Hope House has a new monitor, keyboard, mouse, laserjet printer, and wonderful, like new, tower.
We gave it to them Friday morning. The expressions on the director and the kids faces were priceless. I took photos and would like
to share them with you. However, after 48 hours of trying to figure out how to do this on the board, I am officially throwing in the towel. lol
Cbob , maybe you could pm me with alot of help, or I could email them to anyone who would like to see them. My email is
JimW. and JayBear, once again thank you both for making this possible.
I asked for things they may need and will be given sizes by late Momday. The burglary this year netted the bad men money- so that has been
in short supply lately. I told the director to list one thing for each boy which was not an essentail "need" but a "would like to have" as well as one essential item.
Will get back with you on the list details when I have them. We would be happy ro pick any and all items up and deliver them aournd Dec. 15th or so.
Anyone wishing to go with us for the delivery is welcome. Jim W. , I just wish you were going to be here this year- the kids loved having you around- as
well as the truckload of xmas decorations you gave- lol
Once again , thank you.
Barry and Christine

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Hope House Empty Re: Hope House

Post by CanuckBob Sun Oct 13, 2013 9:09 am

Here are all the instructions you should need.

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Age : 61
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