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Roberto's Ad in the Guad Reporter Re: Mean People

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Roberto's Ad in the Guad Reporter Re: Mean People  - Page 5 Empty Re: Roberto's Ad in the Guad Reporter Re: Mean People

Post by gringal Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:51 pm

It's a good brunch.  

The posters who have been in business for themselves could share anecdotes about the "last straw" that caused them to lose it with a customer.  For instance, the irate customer who calls you at home at four thirty in the morning to express his dissatisfaction with the last delivery.  The owner of the dog who pees on your merchandise at a trade show.  The ladies who gets twofer dinners and leave NO tip.

And so on.  Some are real winners.

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Roberto's Ad in the Guad Reporter Re: Mean People  - Page 5 Empty Re: Roberto's Ad in the Guad Reporter Re: Mean People

Post by CheenaGringo Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:33 pm

I am sure anyone who has owned virtually any type of retail store, a restaurant or a bar has plenty of horror stories to tell. At our tourist gift shop on the Oregon Coast, shoplifting was an additional cost of doing business that we took personally when we had to absorb the costs. We installed a security system with sensor tags but we had so many "trinkets & trash" items that it didn't make sense to tag everything. At the recommendation of the installer, he installed a switch behind the counter where we could activate the alarm when the shop was too full of customers to watch everyone. You would be amazed at the numbers of out of place merchandise that we would find after an intentional activation. We had a line of jewelry which hung on cards on an open rack that I noticed the numbers being off. This line wasn't a teen or even tween line and was designed for a more mature crowd, so I started hiding sensors. Sure enough, the alarm went of one day as three mature women (two in their 60's and another approaching 80) exited. I herded them back into the store while calling 911. Total denial that they had anything and two were cussing and swearing at me. Total change of attitude when two policemen arrived and the women started turning out pockets of their coats. Just over $600 in merchandise and they became belligerent towards me once again as I was signing the complaints against them!

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Roberto's Ad in the Guad Reporter Re: Mean People  - Page 5 Empty Re: Roberto's Ad in the Guad Reporter Re: Mean People

Post by SunshineyDay Tue Mar 11, 2014 6:08 pm


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Roberto's Ad in the Guad Reporter Re: Mean People  - Page 5 Empty Re: Roberto's Ad in the Guad Reporter Re: Mean People

Post by slainte39 Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:48 pm

Well, this thread has made a full 360, back to the post menopausal. lol!
A lot of different fish being caught in the same net.   Shocked

How's this....I wouldn't eat at "bobby's", if the food was free.

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Roberto's Ad in the Guad Reporter Re: Mean People  - Page 5 Empty Re: Roberto's Ad in the Guad Reporter Re: Mean People

Post by lunateak Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:48 pm

TTT wrote:
If you do not like great service and creative, delicious food, then you must use different qualifiers to judge a restaurant - like, how much food for how cheap.

That reminded me of my uncle's response when asked about a new restaurant:
Well, the food wasn't very good... but, they give you a LOT!
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Roberto's Ad in the Guad Reporter Re: Mean People  - Page 5 Empty Re: Roberto's Ad in the Guad Reporter Re: Mean People

Post by viajero Wed Mar 12, 2014 9:40 am


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Roberto's Ad in the Guad Reporter Re: Mean People  - Page 5 Empty Re: Roberto's Ad in the Guad Reporter Re: Mean People

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