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Police with Radar on Chapala-Guadalajara Highway

hound dog
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Police with Radar on Chapala-Guadalajara Highway Empty Police with Radar on Chapala-Guadalajara Highway

Post by johninajijic Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:32 pm

We just returned at about 11:30 AM from taking friends to the Airport. On the other side leaving from Chapala, about 3 miles beyond Ixtlauacan there was 2 police with a radar gun checking speeds. Farther up there were 4 police trucks pulling over the speeders to the right lanes and writing tickets. Cones blocked the right lane for safety.
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Police with Radar on Chapala-Guadalajara Highway Empty Re: Police with Radar on Chapala-Guadalajara Highway

Post by hound dog Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:51 pm

johninajijic wrote:We just returned at about 11:30 AM from taking friends to the Airport. On the other side leaving from Chapala, about 3 miles beyond Ixtlauacan there was 2 police with a radar gun checking speeds. Farther up there were 4 police trucks pulling over the speeders to the right lanes and writing tickets. Cones blocked the right lane for safety.

Must be time to replenish the vialidad lunch money coffers.

There was this guy in San Francisco who was struck and killed by lightning while strolling upon the bayshore back in about 1980 in July. Now, lightning and thunder are almost unheard of in San Franciso ever and then only, very rarely, during the winter rainy season when unusual weather phenomena are present so I figured this guy was the most unluckly person on the planet. Now we have others living similarly under a dark cloud. It takes skill to get a speeding ticket in Mexico or the worst possible personal timing on earth unless you are some first time visitor with Utah plates driving down from Nogales.
hound dog
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Police with Radar on Chapala-Guadalajara Highway Empty Re: Police with Radar on Chapala-Guadalajara Highway

Post by simpsca Sun Jan 16, 2011 7:10 pm

Does anyone know the actual speed limit on the Chapala - Guadalajara highway? I know I'm always going slower than than those cow boys doing 8-/90 miles per hour. But I mostly stay with traffic so I don't know what the limit is.

Spencer watch out!
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Police with Radar on Chapala-Guadalajara Highway Empty Re: Police with Radar on Chapala-Guadalajara Highway

Post by David Sun Jan 16, 2011 7:15 pm

I think it's 80kph.
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Police with Radar on Chapala-Guadalajara Highway Empty Re: Police with Radar on Chapala-Guadalajara Highway

Post by simpsca Sun Jan 16, 2011 7:19 pm

Thank you, that's around 40 to 45 miles per hour isn't it or less? Great source of revenue for the highway police. The cars do 80 kph on the road from San Juan Cosala to Jocotopec.
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Police with Radar on Chapala-Guadalajara Highway Empty Re: Police with Radar on Chapala-Guadalajara Highway

Post by Mainecoons Sun Jan 16, 2011 7:29 pm

You do 80 kph on that road and even the trucks will run you down.
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Police with Radar on Chapala-Guadalajara Highway Empty Re: Police with Radar on Chapala-Guadalajara Highway

Post by David Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:04 pm

simpsca wrote:Thank you, that's around 40 to 45 miles per hour isn't it or less? Great source of revenue for the highway police. The cars do 80 kph on the road from San Juan Cosala to Jocotopec.

It's 49.some MPH
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Police with Radar on Chapala-Guadalajara Highway Empty Re: Police with Radar on Chapala-Guadalajara Highway

Post by CanuckBob Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:22 am

In Canada we call it an even 50mph.

30kph = 20mph
50kph = 30mph
60 kph = 40mph
80 kph = 50mph
100kph = 60mph
110kph = 65 mph
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Police with Radar on Chapala-Guadalajara Highway Empty Re: Police with Radar on Chapala-Guadalajara Highway

Post by 57Chevy Mon Jan 17, 2011 5:58 pm

I saw the same thing on the Guad-Chapala highway driving to Chapala from the airport on October 25. There were several police cars, all along the stretch going south. My friends who picked me up at the airport said that this is a recent phenomenon and that there has been an ongoing police presence along this stretch due to the many drunk drivers, accidents, and some deaths. They said there was pressure to patrol this area due to a history of problems, or some fairly recent problems...don't recall precisely.
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Police with Radar on Chapala-Guadalajara Highway Empty Re: Police with Radar on Chapala-Guadalajara Highway

Post by Intercasa Mon Jan 17, 2011 6:32 pm

They set up in places there are likely to be many drunks and will pull people over for speeding and then see if they have been drinking, etc.
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